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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Nope, I refuse to pay that company money to keep on changing prices, packages etc. You wouldn't buy a car which was €34,000 and in a few days went up-to €50,000 and you save just that up and then bam it's now for sale for €75,000 without the main features but if you want them you have to pay a extra €4,000 per feature?
  2. not worth it when you have to pay for all the plugins and support, oh and to report bugs.
  3. It's just one button, they are trying to get it on the new keyboards like we use & for and.
  4. nor me mate
  5. Dno haha I got mine from the link paul provided it's cheap and I hope it helps fund Blesta
  6. Ah mate that's under the product Description.
  7. Looks much better mate in my option
  8. I like it mate well done, I do have a few suggestions for you though: - You know the buttons for portal / etc maybe they could be a red with a border or something. - The "Why should you choose us" not sure if it would look better with it or without because it makes the page look a bit big or if they ordering they saw that on the main website. (Just a idea) And the main thing in question you know the http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js replace it with: https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js so you get the green padlock You could also add this to the .htaccess to use the https:// always. RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?cubicwebs\.com [NC] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/ [NC] RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://cubicwebs.com/$1 [R=301,L] Replace the domain with yours
  9. Welcome to Ћ lounge on Blesta, a place where you can discuss anything you like on Ћ Blesta forums. Just wanted to get peoples opinion on Ћ symbol "Ћ" which they believe will change the way we use "The". Find out more about this at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23270758
  10. This made me laugh so much I was in tears haha... Come on I had to share it haha
  11. Glad your satisfied with our service Fantastic client.
  12. The only thing is mate, is HB makes money from people who are stupid enough to use them, but facebook shares dropped straight after they launched them
  13. Haha I'm having a rage with a mate on Facebook Michael Dance Don't like the little logo, when visiting my page I don't need to be told my name on the search bar. It looks like it was made for the foreign people who use it right to left. Looks like a shit Mobile version 11 minutes ago · Edited · Like *Hidden Name* Well the name is on the old bar, helps with quick access to profile, however I agree with your foreign point, haha 10 minutes ago · Like Michael Dance I mean this... http://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/q71/s720x720/1003696_420657021382595_508722683_n.jpg 8 minutes ago · Like *Hidden Name* Oh right... thats a tad retarded :L 6 minutes ago · Like Michael Dance now you get me haha I know my name already "I hope" 6 minutes ago · Like · 1 *Hidden Name* Maybe its just in case you have a few too many drinks? haha 5 minutes ago · Edited · Like Michael Dance that's what the mobile is for 5 minutes ago · Edited · Like · 1 Michael Dance *Talks to mobile* "Who am I?" someone from #NSA "Your name is Michael Dance" Thanks they come in useful for something... 3 minutes ago · Like *Hidden Name* xD haha, Brilliant about a minute ago · Like
  14. Another rubbish update, I hate it so much, why do companies change stuff for the worse?
  15. haha what colour you got mate? now I've got shorter hair I need a new pic and that's going to be on my management page on Licensecart etc when I get it released. I'm not sure if I'm having it but I will be using the pic as my facebook pic and my twitter because Blesta is the best
  16. Blesta is the most stable and secure billing system ever, even patrick couldn't find anything so that's a high plus. I believe Blesta is the next big thing and time will tell, well from the 14th August when you go live and all the orders come in. You already have the best software now it's time for you guys to get what you all deserve more income, more customers and a bigger image. Wicked can't wait but I can't wait for all your great plugins come out and I can re-sell them on
  17. Blesta beats HB any day
  18. Michael


    Some people run their business differently than us haha.
  19. Replied mate, sorry for the late reply.
  20. Thank you will be proof reading it before the launch
  21. I do but my site isn't live at the moment and they are simple Integrations only though. Feel free to have a browse: http://licensecart.com/site/services
  22. I have: 70 - reject 10 - review Free Email - Review Risky Country - Reject Anon Proxy - Reject
  23. picture
  24. Amazing Paul and very warm bit sad it's baking hot here haha.
  25. Michael


    On my WHM** we get loads of spam advertments etc. on my blesta the emails are @cubicwebs.co and they only had this email at the moment.
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