To search a client say their first name a dropdown shows the clients with the name, say 145 and it shows the invoices & clients under that number 3.1?
Added a poll.
I think it's amazing and when your finished I'm hoping to be able to fully move over, I will need to find a way to fix the logicboxes module on my install as it doesn't want to connect unlike my current software.
Good suggestion maybe even make them a promotion code to save that, but it has to be a optional thing so like tick boxes (settings on the settings pages).
Looks amazing, by no extra cost do you mean we pay you the price above or is it free to use? bit confused on that behalf. If it's being for sale on your site etc would you be looking for re-sellers?
Shows how much you are following this great software you are talking about... As I stated earlier they don't come free, nothing does now. And I even gave you a link to the store.
Link once again:
Aww I dno I got a popup telling me about it and then got a email from them.
Try this:
Oh yeah they stopped the re-newal fees as "Like 99% of population we hate renewal fees. So we no longer charge it from current and future customers - pay only for features you want!"
But oh this looks so awesome never seen this on their pricing before... More ways to get blood out of a stone:
Tickets included ---- Price ----- Price per ticket ----- Package valid
1 ticket ------------ $75 USD --- $75 USD --------------- N/A
5 tickets ----------- $199 USD -- $39 USD --------------- ticket Valid for 6 months
15 tickets ---------- $399 USD -- $26 USD --------------- ticket Valid for 12 months
50 tickets ---------- $999 USD -- $20 USD --------------- ticket Valid for 12 months
Oh and:
Pre-Sales that's just $99.95.
Then for everything else it's $199.57 USD Once per item including cPanel...
So which one is better? Not HB by far.
Yep they will until that one man band leaves and no-one can continue it, oh and when there's a bug/exploit.. people don't report it because of the $75 fee per ticket.