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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Michael

    Rule 32

    Loving the top mate top hair do though lol
  2. 1 Week go to guys so excited I just can't hide it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-LbvFckptY
  3. My last say on them, I wouldn't buy a thing from them now, I have heard that they didn't pay for WHM** or get a valid License from WHM** themselves. Ref: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showpost.php?p=8790810&postcount=3 And apparently they can't complete anything custom ( http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showpost.php?p=8790812&postcount=4 ).
  4. Haha I must of played it about a thousand times before I went to bed God to love Gordon Ramsay haha I loved his F word program. F* this and F* that
  5. Dan Bull is my favourite rapper
  6. Erm I would but it's a bit confusing to which row is for the client.
  7. Don't know it was imported from the 2.5 mate, don't think they've been connected to a order-id yet.
  8. Ok I replaced the files and got: Attempt to assign property of non-object on line 961 in /home/cwadminb/public_html/components/modules/logicboxes/logicboxes.php
  9. Thank you mate.
  10. Love it where do we replace it? just the logicbox folder or just a file mate?
  11. Licensecart.com is coming shortly...

  12. Michael

    Trial Run

    Weird I had that on whm** before and it was the css overwriting the button hover wasn't overwriting it so I had to put ! !important; on the hover.
  13. Michael

    Trial Run

    Maybe there's a css conflict because I've not seen that yet.
  14. I do think it would be nice to have a module as other people use it But this is what I got:
  15. I like the suggestions, but CCAvenue are bleeders, they refused my app
  16. 2 weeks to go.. woo!
  17. Michael


    wicked thank you.
  18. Michael


    I've never heard of that before? is that like the call to home you have got for blesta?
  19. Michael


    None of them is as you call it cache it for the next person.
  20. Michael


    I don't understand what you mean by having it so it's only included on a single page? Code we got given by Devs: http://staging.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/592-display-prices-on-your-website/ If you don't include it how will it connect to the api to get the prices by setting cookies? air?
  21. Michael


    I believe it was a client abusing the service but thankfully just me and them are on my site server. But it is a require_once code and its the api from the devs. There's a thread about it in contribute forum.
  22. Michael


    Ah yeah that's because you've visited for the first time, it's calling the prices from the API.
  23. Michael


    Our website is complete: http://licensecart.com/site/ Hoping to release it on the same day as Blesta to the public. I will be working on a new one though with Bootstrap 3 RC1 now that I've fallen in love with that framework haha.
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