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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Wasn't yours for v2.5? I'm using v3 mate.
  2. I did but yours didn't work so I removed the folder and re-uploaded the default one.
  3. Oh thanks mate didn't know that but that's how v2.5 is set
  4. Ok I went like this: 1. Add service. 2. picked .pw under domains 3. entered domain / nameservers & unticked provision with module (As I registered it via WHM** so the client had their domain). 4. Clicked on don't invoice and clicked on Add service. 5. Got to the order page, I clicked on add service. I then was greeted with this: Oh noes! The for tag cannot iterate over the value: on line 137 in /home/cwadminb/public_html/vendors/h2o/h2o/tags.php Printing Stack Trace: #0 /home/cwadminb/public_html/vendors/h2o/h2o/nodes.php(27): For_Tag->render(Object(H2o_Context), Object(StreamWriter)) #1 /home/cwadminb/public_html/vendors/h2o/h2o.php(136): NodeList->render(Object(H2o_Context), Object(StreamWriter)) #2 /home/cwadminb/public_html/app/models/emails.php(753): H2o->render(Array) #3 /home/cwadminb/public_html/app/models/emails.php(479): Emails->buildEmail('service_creatio...', '1', 'en_us', Array) #4 /home/cwadminb/public_html/app/models/services.php(1032): Emails->send('service_creatio...', '1', 'en_us', 'theiremail@domain.com', Array, NULL, NULL, NULL, Array) #5 /home/cwadminb/public_html/app/models/services.php(783): Services->sendNotificationEmail(Object(stdClass), Object(stdClass), '184') #6 /home/cwadminb/public_html/app/controllers/admin_clients.php(3920): Services->add(Array, Array, true) #7 /home/cwadminb/public_html/app/controllers/admin_clients.php(3833): AdminClients->createService(Array, Array) #8 /home/cwadminb/public_html/app/controllers/admin_clients.php(3408): AdminClients->processServiceStep('confirm', Object(stdClass), Object(stdClass), Object(stdClass)) #9 /home/cwadminb/public_html/lib/dispatcher.php(111): AdminClients->addService() #10 /home/cwadminb/public_html/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/backend/client...') #11 {main} I just edited their email address above in the error code as it's a public forum. Preview: However it made the service on Blesta:
  5. Logicboxes mate.
  6. Not sure but you can see it now he posted it a while ago mate: http://staging.blesta.com
  7. I think they are doing it however I don't know a CORE- number for you to find out when. But it's so needed
  8. At the moment they don't allow that on v3, however you can on Blesta 2.5
  9. 1. Description of the issue. Can't process order from client profile (admin area) It's a bit like: http://staging.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/432-add-service-error-required-parameter-missing-customer-id/?hl=customer-id 2. Steps required to reproduce the issue. Click on pending > manage > Activate. 3. Any errors. (The "Oh Noes" error pages are very helpful.) N/A just the customer-id is missing. 4. The URL the error occurred on, relative to the installation path, ie "/admin/login". admin/clients/editservice/184/184/ 5. Screenshots. 6. OS, and version of Blesta, PHP & MySQL. OS: CloudLinux 6 64bit Blesta: 3.0.0 B7 PHP: 5.3.24 MySQL: 5.1.70-cll
  10. Sounds like a nice way to say thank you Paul I'm hoping to learn to code modules but using the miniphp you guys made and also hope that you can do the development tutorials . But yeah I like the newsletter / website / prize idea. I'd donate a bit for any module
  11. Well I voted for number 2 since if it was released free, I'd donate some money to the developer to say thank you, I'm sure most would.
  12. Try public function getActions() { return array( array( 'action'=> "widget_staff_home", 'action'=> "widget_staff_billing", 'uri'=>"widget/billing_overview/admin_main/", 'name'=>Language::_("BillingOverviewPlugin.name", true) ) ); }
  13. haha yeah I'm 8 hours fast wicked mate can't wait to have a play with the languages.
  14. Blesta I believe Paul said it was because of Blessed and Stable (http://staging.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/314-blesta/#entry2055) And I saw a competitor (SimplexWebs) and simplex is a mathematical word and I thought I'd browse wikipedia for easy, catchy mathematical words and Cubic was listed and I thought to myself.. Cubic-Webs sounds very catchy. So then I checked the whois on WHM** and saw it was available so I brought it. Plans, well I thought I'd try and be clever. Shared Hosting needs to be simple. So I came up with the most simplest names ever, Basic, Starter, Business and Business Plus (Just to make it sound better). Enterprise Hosting, I went a bit different, I was playing need for speed on my PS3 and thought to myself, Supercharged / Turbocharged cars and that stuck and as for Premier I got it from Premier inn. Enterprise Plus again same as the Business to give it that little bit more. Again Resellers is too long itself and I wanted it simple so the One, Two, Three and Extra (A little bit extra) =]
  15. Sorry Paul haha 4 days left..
  16. Maybe a option soon to add sensitive information in tickets, which doesn't show up on the tickets except the admin side. So if I was making a technical department I'd have a box saying "Sensitive Information". And I was looking for support with my server, I was asked to put the Port and password in the sensitive information part. So I did that, and the technical team can click a button to see this information, and after they have solved the issue they can click a button to remove it. That way it stays confidential. The sensitive information boxes can be added on any department by a ticket box and also by adding the fields required. All sensitive information is encrypted in the database. Fields example: 1. - Label: SSH Port - Name: SSH_Port - Type: Text 2. - Label: SSH Password - Name: SSH_Password - Type: Password Then they will be optional on support tickets.
  17. Michael


    Oh yeah sorry mate might help if I linked you http://staging.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/683-cpanel-module-change-password/
  18. Michael


    Ah wasn't sure about that on photoshop, I thought it was the same I'll do that shortly. On the next layout I'm doing licensecart.com/beta is going to be much better . Also mate can you check the bug for me to see if you can get it as I can't set the passwords for my clients to move over.
  19. Michael


    Is there a way to optimize them but keep the png file format, I used to cache them before but I've asked the developer for the caching script if we can cache them and the css as the pingdom tools is slating me on them .
  20. Michael


    Wow that caching tool really works. Thank you mate so much Before: http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/#!/c6wK1z/http://licensecart.com/site/ssl-certificates (Load time: 8.65s) Now: http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/#!/bYwxCg/http://licensecart.com/site/ssl-certificates (Load time: 1.21s)
  21. Yeah mate but I was hoping not to find any haha you guys have too much on your plate at the moment with 6 days to go until the big release, not really time for bugs popping up
  22. Thank you mate, I'll be doing that shortly saves me re-transfering them over with the new v3 one.. And means I can move over quicker DOH! I think I found a bug 6 days before release...
  23. So it hasn't imported them due to the way whm** stores them that's fine mate as long as I know it wasn't a error, is there a way we can edit the product to add the passwords?
  24. Just came across this sleek easy to use and setup Bitcoin merchant called Coinbase, looks good however I'm not good with modules yet . https://coinbase.com - Take a look.
  25. haha I've got a countdown going on Facebook for Blestafans and Licensecart You know the v3 importer for WHMCS, will it import the client passwords for the cPanel module, it seemed to have missed that when I imported from whm** to blesta 2.5 and then to v3. It just shows me their username.
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