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Everything posted by Michael

  1. That's probably is the next importer made after the WHM** importer.
  2. No problem mate.
  3. I'll inbox you, we could do with a customer only section.
  4. It's just one license per domain & location mate.
  5. I'll email them matey
  6. Re-issue your license if you've done: 1. changed server or have a new dedicated IP. 2. Trying to install in another folder.
  7. thank you mate something to love forward to
  8. Haha like you and Tyson the "Three awesome developers".
  9. Erm I would try removing blesta.php, remove database, remove user, remake them both, connect them both and try again, http://yourdomain.com/install/ If that fails I'm confused.
  10. It's technically a proxy browser using Firefox.
  11. I've done a video for you. Video Demo: http://screencast.com/t/wA7D6wbPVSaD To get the API Code go to: WHM (https://yourdomain.com:2087) and then go to Cluster/Remote Access then go to Setup Remote Access Key It's recommended to re-generate the API to make sure you have a fresh one. Server name I put Titanic you need to put your full hostname in or IP depending on which you use eg: hostname.yourdomain.com or
  12. Glad you managed to figure it out.
  13. Oh ok, you'll need Paul, Cody or Tyson to look into this.
  14. You will still have that on your account for a while. http://account.blesta.com/ and log in with your phillipsdata.com/ams/ login you should have two licenses. Owned Promo license (2.5) and a Owned Blesta license (3.0).
  15. Do you run on Cloudlinux?
  16. You need to set up a module like cPanel. Link: /admin/settings/company/modules/available/ Click Manage then set-up a server, then a server group add the server... Then on the packages, select cPanel > then server > then package.
  17. Do you have PDO functions installed? You may wish to list the PHP version, MySQL version and OS to assist the dev team quicker.
  18. You can't yet mate. The importer for WHMCS hasn't been completed yet for v3. The only way to do it would be using a v2.5 License (no longer issued I believe) to import from WHMCS and then import from v2.5 to v3 If Paul, Cody, Tyson allow me to lend you my 2.5 license and files to import to while you do it the longer way that's fine with me.
  19. What PHP version / Mysql version did you have? It worked fine on my server in the video.
  20. That's weird have you installed Blesta from scratch? Also when you turn it off, it shows again?
  21. Yes however did you pay for a monthly license or a owned license? If it's a monthly license you will need to talk to them via support ticket, however you might have to wait so it's best to get a v3 trial license you can update when they get them as-well.
  22. Paul's issue was the php version needed to be native or not something down that line.
  23. I hope we can get it this back but probably will be in 3.0.1 or even 3.1.0 depending haha.
  24. I've not tried customizing the backend with wordpress maybe something in wordpress is conflicting with Blesta. Shouldn't be hard though to do, if you can't do it, you could get a integration from Licensepal if they do it for Blesta.
  25. That sounds like a nice registrar, maybe they will look into them for you.
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