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Everything posted by Michael

  1. You know the Recent Users on the system overview widget, you can only see their Last activity. With this feature you can see the location they logged in from. On my name you'd see this: Michael Dance Last Activity: Just Now Location Alcester, P3 United Kingdom
  2. Don't touch that lol I'm not sure what that is for. Yeah doesn't matter where Blesta is installed as-long as the full direct link to the uploads folder is correct you won't have any problems. But it's better outside the public_html so un-authorized access is at a minimum.
  3. Yeah because namecheap is a Enom reseller so they add a little bit more.
  4. Erm I'm not sure, you can make it, but if you do I recomend you do it outside the public_html directory. You only need it for downloads etc. The url has to be the full link home/username/uploads/ for example.
  5. Firstly ensure your uploads file is correct and writeable: Uploads Directory on: /settings/system/general/basic/ You should see a tick. Well then download the dat.gz and upload it to the uploads/system/ folder. When you've done that you should see a tick. PS: to make your life easier just download this zip, upload it to the uploads folder and extract it. Job done. http://licensecart.com/public/system.zip
  6. They charge 3.40% and 20p fee on GBP Payments and 2.90% and 30c on USD payments. I have a PayPal calculator app on my android But yeah they are high if you charge 10p you get nothing, if you charge 20p you get nothing.
  7. Yeah that's got to be the issue I checked the logs and a customer tried to update his domain for some reason and the output was this: https://httpapi.com/api/contacts/modify.json {"status":"ERROR","message":"Required parameter missing: contact-id"} When you've fixed the customer-id mate can we have the edit so we can edit the installation before the patch comes out please.
  8. I think I know the issue but I don't know why or how. The domains made in Blesta physically (though Add services) are there so far that's 1 out the clients I can see. The ones I imported from WHM** to 2.5 to v3 aren't showing. Which is most of my client's domain services. Why I don't know but Blesta is recognizing them as they have Active (A number) on the services. Paul has an account on my Billing system if you guys want to check it out at any time feel free .
  9. Na it's fine haha at least you've confirmed that bug I reported in the Beta, but I was the only person who had that. (Only had found it on b7 though when a client placed a order for a pw domain, I couldn't activate it). But does the domain show for you in the products?
  10. Yeah and when you are adding the domain you should see a tick box use module. untick it
  11. Thank you mate, I've bookmarked it now haha, as I need it to get a t-shirt soon.
  12. I had that before when using the module, I had to make it via the add services without the module to get them working on Blesta. That was in the last Beta stage.
  13. Oh we get a UK one by the looks of it but costs £30 a month. I use Stripe. But I don't think sweeden has that yet. By the way mate, what's Express Checkout: https://www.paypal.com/se/webapps/mpp/home-merchant
  14. Yikes is that the same as: https://www.paypal.com/uk/webapps/mpp/pro So you pay $30 a month?
  15. No problem. Good luck.
  16. Haha I bought it from the Blesta store Paul gave a link to.
  17. Great news mate, Is there a way to show a Out of office message if your closed?
  18. From what Gualter showed me in a ticket it allows you to take credit card payments straight from the billing system. Hope he doesn't mind me posting the pictures he sent in a PM. Personally I'd think it be cool but I'm not sure how one goes around getting it. https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/paypal-payments-pro
  19. Not one by default with Blesta at the moment however ModulesGarden are building one: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/826-cpanel-extended-for-blesta/
  20. My other client's services like cPanel are showing, it's just the domains, and other customer domains aren't showing either.
  21. Michael

    Subdomain Base Url

    No problem mate
  22. Michael

    Subdomain Base Url

    Is your company hostname updated mate?
  23. For some reason any product with Logicboxes has vanished from display however they are there. A client informed me that their domains wasn't showing up on their client area. And we don't get them in the backend either. Is this just me or has anyone else got this issue? Not sure when this happened but in Beta, 3.0.0 I believe they was fine. The client's only managed to get into his account today haha.
  24. Try using a underline instead of a space on the label.
  25. No problem mate, always here to help when I can haha
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