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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Have you got this set-up mate: Settings > Company > Billing / Payments and tick Automatically Apply Loose Credits
  2. Which country are you from? It's ok in the UK as a competitor I know and hosting companies do it. But say if I had a late invoice with you, I could pay just the main invoice and say well I paid it.
  3. oh sugar that's not handy lol if they pay the invoice they can skip the late fee.
  4. It could be depending how you've set it up there's a few tutorials on here which work for users.
  5. Lmao right Blesta are working on Blesta, a third party who uses internetBS made the module for himself and others who would like to use it... If you don't want to use don't bother. But who's missing out Him, me, you? You'll find out it's yourself who misses out. If you want Blesta to do everything then sure let them but it will be slower and people will be moaning that it's taking too long for a module or feature because no-one is making any modules or extensions... "Sorry about that delay guys, a user wants us to build everything, all on our own so it's taking a bit longer and your 'feature' will have to wait".... Anyway @Paul can continue because this is getting silly now. Either use the third party modules / addons or don't.
  6. I'm telling you the module is made by a third party. Nope I'm telling you the mods made by third party users is dealt with by them not blesta. You don't buy a module from ModulesGarden for example and then go to the vendor and say I'm having an issue with this module, I pay you for the software you should provide the support and fix it for me. I won't say anymore since you want to leave but if it was in my opinion I'd pay for the flight ticket.
  7. Whoever made the module is responsible for the module / support / updates. If someone bought the CMS from us you can't expect Blesta to help they don't know how it works or how it was written, etc they aren't responsible for it. We are. You sell me a car (second hand Audi) I can't go to the Audi dealer and say fix this I bought it yesterday second hand. I would go to you and say you sold me a faulty car. You either fix it or I'll have money back. Or I can pay a garage and get it fixed myself.
  8. Not sure why they are erroring out as we use the hotfix on php 7.0.
  9. There's 3 files in the hotfix.
  10. You're welcome we had that issue which is why Paul suggested removing them and made it part of the blog post / docs
  11. And that's the pickle. Say you made this InternetBS and you spent all that time and then someone makes an official one and no-one uses your hard work would you do more?
  12. because it's PauloV's code and module and Paul and Blesta doesn't own the rights to that module. If you make a control panel can I just take it from you? You have some fish and chips can I take the chips from you?
  13. What do you mean bothering with other modules? The modules they make? they can help if they want to but it's not their JOB to support a third party module. Your post said: But it's not Blesta's module to support you with it. They can help sure but it's not THEIR module, it's not shipped WITH Blesta.
  14. Have you removed the not needed folders from the helpers from 4.0.0 which was in 3.x.x that is most likely why?
  15. 1. Have you got money in your account? Is the cron set-up correctly so it runs every 5 minutes? Try provisioning it click manage and then active / use module and save does an error appear? If so check the module logs. 2. Because Blesta didn't make the module they don't know how it's made and they have other things to do It's like if I bought hosting from your sub company will the main company help me? you'd most likely direct me to the support team of the sub company as they know more about the issue.
  16. you haven't applied the hotfix & also ensure you run /admin/upgrade/
  17. 1. InternetBS is a third party module not a Blesta module. 2. there's a . in the number that or internetBS doesn't allow +'s as-well. 3. This should be on PauloV's thread
  18. Click manage and ensure it has no "scheduled cancellation".
  19. yes if your plan is 1 month and you change the renewal to say 10/05/2017 the next invoice will be generated on the 10/06/2017.
  20. the renewal date doesn't effect the creation date and correct if it's a yearly order it will renew at 12/12/2018 then 12/12/2019 You can change it by clicking manage and then on the top dropdown select change renewal date.
  21. You can't without editing the database which I don't recommend. You can change the renewal date however. There isn't you can open a feature request on requests.blesta.com for a cPanel to Blesta importer.
  22. So this is the issue: Error: Argument 2 passed to ServiceChanges::edit() must be of the type array, none given, called in /home/public_html/clients/app/controllers/cron.php on line 2015 and defined #0 /home/public_html/clients/app/models/service_changes.php(64): UnknownException::setErrorHandler(4096, 'Argument 2 pass...', '/home//...', 64, Array) #1 /home/public_html/clients/app/controllers/cron.php(2015): ServiceChanges->edit(Array) #2 /home/public_html/clients/app/controllers/cron.php(1951): Cron->runProcessServiceChanges('Attempting to p...') #3 [internal function]: Cron->processServiceChanges('9ae7b25cf269055...') #4 /home/public_html/clients/app/controllers/cron.php(175): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #5 /home/public_html/clients/app/controllers/cron.php(127): Cron->all('9ae7b25cf269055...') #6 /home/public_html/clients/vendors/minphp/bridge/src/Lib/Dispatcher.php(143): Cron->index() #7 /home/public_html/clients/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/clients/cron/?...') #8 {main}Attempting to process renewing services. Have you tried uploading the files again for 4.0.x and are you on 4.0.1 I wonder if that will fix it?
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