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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Hey mate, trust me lol got no closed tickets, but I don't think many people would need them, the opened ones are there.
  2. Thanks mate: The importer has been processed.
  3. Paypal recieved the payment 7 minutes to 5pm which is 45 minutes ago, and I thought the cron job runs every 5 minutes and if it's paid it would close the invoice. Probably just a module my side issue. It's not had a payment log since: Aug 29, 2013 4:34:12 AM And my Licensecart & CubicWebs have the same setup for the paypal module and I've not changed it except upgrading it when needed. Setup:
  4. Ok I've got this issue at the moment, A client pays with PayPal, however the transaction isn't recorded in the database, and the payment hasn't been added to the invoice. Cron jobs have all ran. Cron Job Error Log: Apply Payments to Open Invoices Start Date: Sep 10, 2013 5:25:05 PM End Date: Sep 10, 2013 5:25:08 PM Output Attempting to apply credits to open invoices. Unable to apply pending credits to transaction . The apply credits task has completed. I had to record the payment manually: The payment was successfully recorded for £0.98.
  5. Yeah agreed, I do prefer the matching myself as I liked doing that when moving to 2.5 and used the same way from 2.5 to 3.0 . But what I did for my customer, was select do not import packages hoping it would be smoother haha.
  6. One question, will this have the softaculous section soon? to make packages on Wordpress etc? And another thing, I'm impressed at this module and what you have done. So I'm going to pay on Saturday the rest of the invoice as I wasn't expecting the UK VAT haha .
  7. +1 I thought I didn't register when I made an account on my development haha clicked dashboard and seen I was done. Maybe an success alert.. "Success, you have created your account click here to go to your dashboard. Thank you for registering at {company name}."
  8. The thing is they have a active service as-well as a cancelled service with a voided invoice. I've not had a customer come to me on a ticket yet. I moved Blesta live on b7 which is a few weeks ago.
  9. There's a issue when you click order, it shows a Free trial and not the one time payment. Edit: it's just the links are the wrong way round. Anyway reserved the deal. Thanks.
  10. That would be a good idea, maybe you could post this in the feature request and loads will +1 it.
  11. I do what you said first lol.
  12. Ah they have modules for a few billing systems but not a webhosting one :s Sounds like a nice market for the guys to look into the first to be. You might want to open a feature request mate. That way it's recorded for future purposes and people can see it and vote for it .
  13. I believe that's going in the final one mate as they are adding more features. You should be able to match packages too. So if you make custom packages you can match them to the new one.
  14. It looks like it's repeating itself, I had that once on my downloads, and I replaced the url with the hostname. But yours looks different. Your using blesta code. If you go to the say support tickets and click on home (Logo) what url shows?
  15. What is Awbs mate? Edit: Oh you mean http://www.awbs.com/ I thought that died years ago... people still use it
  16. By IRRP I take it you mean: http://irrp.net/? I've never heard of them before, but you might like to open a feature request thread mate, as there isn't one at the moment .
  17. Not yet, the only importers Blesta has is: Blesta 2.5: - Whm** 4.0.x-5.0.x - ClientEx** 3.0.1 From what I downloaded before erm the new site came out haha. Blesta 3.0.x: - Whm** 5.2.x (Beta) - Blesta 2.5
  18. Maybe a little alert like the cron just mentioning if it isn't writeable mate? with a link to your docs
  19. Maybe a option on and off and yes please and maybe on the opposite of the logo in a nice little login button style effect but with maybe a bit of transparency. And we can move it by editing the pdt file .
  20. Have you tried it without mapping mate?
  21. Licensecart.com - The only distribution provider who loves Blesta to the full..

  22. Sounds like a good feature for Blesta for the portal or something.
  23. No problem, enjoy
  24. Sorry for the late reply mate, was just finishing a game. You can install Blesta anywhere you want, as long as you have the cPanel WHM Remote Key, hostname and the username you are good to go.
  25. It's been fine since beta mate, a few tweaks here and there, as long as your not waiting for a importer or a needed plugin your fine.
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