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Everything posted by Michael

  1. wow! and nah your good luck, else we wouldn't have Blesta
  2. I believe if they click view in most browsers which can't open it, will download it.
  3. Na I don't like spiders haha I think we should call it a Friday 13th spider . Probably a big house spider.
  4. Sounds like a nice idea, maybe post a feature request for it and it could be there in the future. But I don't believe there is a way to do that.
  5. Michael

    Installing Blesta

    No problem, glad your on the move and enjoying Blesta . If you have any questions or need help, we're here to help.
  6. You can do addons which have a price eg: Addons: Bandwidth: [ ] Unmetered @ 100mbit (1 month) $5.00 [ ] Unmetered @ 100mbit (3 months) $15.00 [ ] Unmetered @ 100mbit (6 months) $30.00
  7. Michael

    Installing Blesta

    If it's V3: /admin/settings/system/general/license/ and you need to include the start of the key( monthly- or owned- ) as-well.
  8. Michael

    Installing Blesta

    Just wondered if re-installing curl wouldn't effect anything else on your server. But if it's possible it would be a good way to try before the devs can help. If that solves it, you'll be back on the road .
  9. Michael

    Installing Blesta

    Is there a way to un-install it safely and re-install it mate?
  10. Michael

    Installing Blesta

    Suhosin isn't required, so that's fine, does it find the GD formats mate? and yes it seems it can't detect the CURL. Which is the issue. You'll need the devs help as I've never installed Blesta on Ubuntu before. Sorry. It's 5am in California where the guys are from.
  11. Michael

    Installing Blesta

    Some reason Blesta's not dectecting it. Try uploading this to a folder: Check Blesta See what version Blesta can detect on that. You might want to update the CURL version as I have 7.24 which is higher than your 7.22. Script looks like: http://licensecart.net/verify-blesta.php Paul, Cody and Tyson will be here to help in a few hours for you, so don't worry.
  12. Michael

    Generate Password

    Erm maybe we need that
  13. Michael

    Generate Password

    Yeah I think I they get a email with it. Not 100% sure, forgot how me and my client reset his password as I used that tool.
  14. Big for the UK I hate spiders Yuck. I don't know what breed it was though haha. It scared me off to bed
  15. Well early hours in the morning, a big spider was crawling up the walls near me YUCK! haha and today I made a few mistakes installing Blesta for a customer via ssh.
  16. Anyone feeling the bad luck? haha I have had a bit today myself, and it's only 8am .
  17. Only owned licenses mate.
  18. We had a voting list in the Beta
  19. Only if you buy it directly from Blesta themselves. One free per user I believe, and it has to password protected and not in production.
  20. OP will need to open a ticket with Blesta for them to verify the post.
  21. Would be nice mate but I was just aiming on the cart side so the prices update.
  22. Huh? Directi owns Logicboxes and that is included in the deal if it get's accepted. That means Logicboxes will be owned by EIG. Which is why I'm looking for a NON logicboxes registrar.
  23. Nice idea is domainbox and tucows any good?
  24. oh same pages just you can see the total before getting to the checkout page and doing the configs to add them to the cart.
  25. That's a bit broken mate :s
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