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Everything posted by Michael

  1. It would be a nice idea and I'd vote for it. I also think maybe that will come in v3.1.0 where I think they might be doing the client side aswell.
  2. I believe it's under users for staff I cant tell you the direct one as I can't see my database as I'm not at home yet.
  3. That's what you need the new one, they need to cancel your v2 license and re-issue you a v3 license on their reseller portal. To get the new files you can download them from blesta.com and order a trial while you wait. If they don't know how, Paul is always available to assist them.
  4. Haha that's cool mate.
  5. Oh you might need the guys to help you
  6. How come your not making them in the admin area mate?
  7. Michael

    Cpanel Problem

    Maybe or it could be one of the issues for resellers, the guys will be on later so they'll be better at helping .
  8. Michael

    Cpanel Problem

    Ok that's me out haha I can't think of a issue. What version of Blesta do you have? Are you using a reseller account or root, as I've not got that problem and I'm on 3.0.2 mate.
  9. Michael

    Cpanel Problem

    Good, oh I'm talking about the box below that mate
  10. Paid the invoice today so when I'm home from work I can have fun playing with this beauty.
  11. Michael

    Cpanel Problem

    Thank you Steve, that will help them solve the issue for you. Hope your ok mate.
  12. Michael

    Email Piping

    It's weird because on beta it worked fine, some reason all emails get a failed to send even though it's got the hashbang in the file.
  13. Same here
  14. Michael

    Cpanel Problem

    That's weird the only thing I can think of is if the cpanel group doesn't have a cpanel server linked to it. If it's not that the devs will be able to help you. Do you get a error code with that?
  15. Michael

    Installing Blesta

    Dam haha woops is there a v3 one mate?
  16. Michael

    Email Piping

    mine don't work either.
  17. I think we all did, you me and paul .. hope she gets better.
  18. Michael

    Cron Setup

    Can I ask what control panel (if you are using one) are you using?
  19. Ouch hope your ok mate.
  20. You can delete if it's pending. But if it's active you will need to void it I believe.
  21. Haha it's only one, it's due to the heat and having windows open, sneek inside.
  22. I'm up for this sounds like a good idea for a few clients, I won't be using it but some people will
  23. Sorry I forgot about that, go to the app/clients/view/ folder you should see a default folder. Re-name that to default-3.0.2 and then upload the zip and extract it. You should get a LC-smooth folder rename that to default.
  24. No problem, thought it was weird
  25. Oh I don't think you see them there, you should have invoices box at the top. Closed? should have the link.
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