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Everything posted by Michael

  1. I posted the correct statement above.
  2. It's called running a cron job.. Sorry they aren't just sending emails by air.
  3. It's giving a customer-id error.
  4. You've just got to be careful, if you have 10 people signing up every minute / placing orders or tickets you could end up causing loading problems. Well that's what I believe would happen.
  5. Michael

    Core-715 Lives On

    It's like you just get the default items. You don't pay extra.
  6. Michael

    Core-715 Lives On

    Default means nothing.
  7. Yeah, sorry you'll have to use Blesta's one for a while lots of templates to edit to make sure they work and look nice.
  8. Michael

    3.1 Eta?

    Can't wait will everyone get to be a Beta tester again mate or selected users who ask, etc?
  9. Yeah I did that straight away when the 2083 failed, but the client end nothing works for me.
  10. I can't wait Paul, I was excited when I spotted it on your videos.
  11. Will do
  12. Michael

    3.1 Eta?

    Well 3.0.3 is out next week approx.
  13. Yeah I installed 3.0.2 for you .
  14. Right I hope Paul doesn't mind me doing this but since you've not been following Blesta here you go: Quoted from the Blesta Blog: http://www.blesta.com/2012/10/05/blesta-3-0-the-marketplace/
  15. You don't get Blesta do you? ModulesGarden did their addon like their WHM** module most of the features are in WHM** already except the FTP / SSL / Emails / Etc via the client area, ModulesGarden script also works around Softaculous and others that most billing systems won't have. I don't think blesta would do that, if anything they'd have the options when making a cPanel package, like other billing systems. The marketplace is where most plugins from Blesta (License Managerment, Project Management, and other Blesta modules / Plugins) Plus developers / designers who make themes and plugins. They can sell their modules / products though the Blesta marketplace or release free products. There will be a Verified title which will be a paid service and Blesta will look though the code and ensure it's to Blesta's standards. Blesta make money by people buying their software, monthly licenses / owned licenses / Lifetime licenses / renewals for support & updates / Extra Plugins & Modules / custom work / and more. I do see your point though but Blesta isn't another HB.
  16. Oh it's ran by the same company as WHT, I wonder if that's why my review hasn't been added :l.
  17. Because you choose which one you wish to use. You might like the way someone did a module, you might like the extra features someone might have in their module. That's why they are encouraging developers. I believe Paul said they might be doing a prize for the best module / plugin in the news letter, etc. They want a community active product.
  18. I'm not just a customer though? I'm a distributor of their product. And they aren't competing with HB or Whm** they are making a unique product to eat up a market which is falling. People need a stable billing system whether it be webhosting or another industry, which is why they have it so you install the modules / plugins you want, not installing everything as default.
  19. I like the features etc, I can't get it to work at the moment though mate haha, I think it wants to work on the port 2083, which means it won't connect to the WHM API. I need to open a ticket to them about it
  20. Paul, Cody and Tyson know what's best for business and want to provide the best billing system they can offer, they won't ever go down that route, I know this because people asked this in the Beta period and Paul said they wouldn't go down the HB route. I swear on my life that Blesta won't that's how much I trust the guys and their product.
  21. No they won't the only things Blesta are selling on their own are the License Management and the Project Management. Maybe they will do some more modules on their own but that's because they are large projects to do on their own.
  22. There's one thing about the module, maybe you have 2087 as the default port else the server won't connect to the Api, I thought the 2083 was for the clients haha.
  23. 1 minute should be enough time if there was a option for that. I wouldn't want it as default as knowing me I'd be waiting for a reply.
  24. I believe there is a feature request for this. (http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/947-server-location-choice/)
  25. Thank god it's free, I hope she gets better.
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