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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Michael

    Core-715 Lives On

    1 please mate I like stuff to be ticked on and off just incase I need it .
  2. Haha that url link is the one for another software, Blesta doesn't have one yet. They are going to be doing one which is advanced though.
  3. Try this mate: print_r( money_format('£%i', $this->Transactions->getTotalCredit($user_id, "GBP")));
  4. They do have a HB system and are doing the importer as I'm aware, I remember Cody saying exploit, exploit, exploit Haha.
  5. I don't like the other software which is why I was glad I was paying monthly for that, as I just cancelled it. Check webhostingtalk.com.
  6. Me I use it for ssl's and Blesta licenses
  7. Well in a few days I'll be buying licenses within price range of $145 - $150
  8. Well a client was on Reseller Two and that was the Blesta cPanel. I updated the package to work on the module cPanel Extended. However I had an error. However new services using the updated package work fine.
  9. Well it's up-to you, you don't have to convert it but then you can't use the multi-company.
  10. They are looking into improving the support manager plugin soon, they have a list of items not sure when or what will be included but they are looking for a articles per ticket content. So if I typed "how long does" results under the ticket show: How long does DNS take to update? ..... How long does it take to set-up my service? ..... If I'm correct that is mate.
  11. Not at the moment but you can do a feature request and see how many people support it. More people support it the higher the priority. You can however set them up manually using the Universal Module.
  12. License = Per install. Multi-Company = 1 Addon per license. You get the addon on your license and you are free to use the multi-company feature on your Blesta. (Dropdown shows)
  13. They fixed it for me, it was a matter of re-making the service due to a conflict I believe. The service was on cPanel and it got confused .
  14. When you buy a license it is just a license you can exchange it for a multi-company addon though like I did.
  15. Michael

    Trial Blesta

    Ah, well I hope Paul, Cody or Tyson can help you, because the only difference I know of is that it expires in 30 days.
  16. Michael

    Trial Blesta

    That's weird because the trial is not different really to the normal one, how many packages / groups do you have on your live one?
  17. Enom is in development currently as far as I'm aware and it's the next domain registrar module to be released.
  18. No problem, glad I helped you
  19. You can move it outside the public_html directory. for example: /home/username/uploads/
  20. Any chance in the next update, will we be able to get a WHM login for Resellers please. (Still waiting on the reply to the fix, I made a few issues myself when the server IP got banned on the client server *woops*)
  21. Only Logicboxes services. It was added via purchase and approved manually, a few domains I added manually because it wouldn't register the domain at Resellerclub. (Had to use the old billing system to register it). Failed with that customer-id error on registration on Blesta. Video of set-up: http://screencast.com/t/QqlcWKcw3w Domain TLDs clients have: .com | .net | .pw | .co.uk (None display) I've not had issues with any other ones, Not tired any other domain name module sorry .
  22. Since upgrading to 3.0.2 (maybe 3.0.1 not sure) the services for domains have vanished, however they are there some where. // Describe the issue you're experiencing. Above. // Provide detailed steps necessary to reproduce the issue. Visit their client profile or log in as a client. // List any generated errors. (The "Oh Noes" error pages are very helpful.) None what so ever. // Include the URL the error occurred on, relative to the installation path, ie "/admin/login". Their profile. // Attach screenshots. Above. // Include your configuration settings, i.e. OS, version of Blesta, PHP & MySQL. PHP: 5.4.19 MySQL: 5.1.70-cll Version: 3.0.2 OS: CloudLinux 6
  23. Is there a way mate to get the domains showing again under services? At the moment none of my clients nor me can see the domains on their services. Just says Active (2) Reseller Two - Domain - Etc But no .com - domain etc
  24. It looks correct mate.
  25. I've already did a feature request for tariffs.http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/993-coupons-per-tier/
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