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Everything posted by Michael

  1. have you got the right file owner? How is your Blesta installed on a vps / shared hosting, etc?
  2. I believe I helped you on this from Live chat. For others edit the files in: /plugins/order/languages/es_es/
  3. Hi there we get the same issue when helping another client, I've told the guys but it's a weekend, hopefully on Monday we'll have another bash at it.
  4. hi there you can't sorry, you could open a feature request though: https://requests.blesta.com
  5. Welcome to Blesta ? It's configured per system. Settings > Company > Localization You can do that but their old invoices will be in Yen and their new invoices will be in USD. There'll be two currencies on their client account. We took the mick out of whmcs in our billing brawl where if you change the currency on WHMCS it changes the symbol not the new invoices / services. Yes you can either modify the invoice if no payment has been made or un-apply it and edit the invoice. There are other ways but that's the way I do it.
  6. Hi sorry for the delay, For Logicboxes we're looking into this after the 5.1.0 has been released because this has finally helped make the domain management much better. You can bill customers for usage by creating an invoice we are looking into options to make it better but I don't know how we can work around this?
  7. Hi John, Sorry for the slow reply. 1. You can bundle packages together I personally recommend if they are all in one package do addon packages for one main package. 2. You can with the Universal Module or you can create a plugin to call home after an order.
  8. I believe they've been named wrong, you want exclusive to include the tax.
  9. Come on man don't be an idiot! How can they display prices? Where is the pricing going to come from?? Be rational use the api for product prices but the domain prices sounds good because you can list them under the domain and other order form search bar.
  10. Okay calm down... It's not hard who sells 1000s of domains, most people sell about 5-15. If you want to sell stupid amount of domains feel free to do it by a table. Or do what most normal people do and open a feature request... https://requests.blesta.com
  11. It's not a feature request so may I know what you expected? I want to include it in my plugin but I haven't had time to look into it.
  12. Yeah as far as I'm aware it's just checkout I had this issue with a client of mine, adding a payment account meant that I could pay an invoice.
  13. Have a look at these files mate: /plugins/import_manager/components/migrators/
  14. Are you using this on mobile or browser?
  15. Hi sorry just seen this are you saying there's 3 navbar burgers? or two? one should be the main menu of the theme and one should be the Blesta navigation.
  16. That looks amazing!
  17. which one? custom one or blesta's?
  18. Okay we need more information please. 1. which gateway? 2. Do you force HTTPS? 3. Is this a VPS / Shared hosting / reseller etc 4. which payment page is it the one clients click to pay or a returned page or?
  19. No it won't work on 5.0.1 because of the bootstrap versions.
  20. Fixed: https://cdn.atlanical.uk/themes/margo-cms-ce.zip I've renamed this as I believe it only works on Blesta 3. It may work on Blesta 4 I can't remember. But it won't work on Blesta 5.x
  21. Hi there this is due to the version of MySQL or MariaDB you have: https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Upgrading+Blesta#UpgradingBlesta-ErrorsDuringUpgrade You'll have to contact your web provider and also restore your database before you continue.
  22. Describe the issue you're experiencing: When I go to the billing page and see the order widget the non paid and paid icons don't show up. The widget also doesn't show the numbers of approved or pending until you refresh the page. Provide detailed steps necessary to reproduce the issue. Billing > Order widget. List any generated errors. (The "Oh Noes" error pages are very helpful.): None. Include the URL the error occurred on, relative to the installation path, ie "/admin/login". admin/billing/ Attach screenshots. Included Include your configuration settings, i.e. OS, version of Blesta, version of module/gateway/plugin if applicable, version of PHP & MySQL. Blesta Version: 5.0.0 MySQL version: 8.0.0 PHP version: 7.4
  23. Michael


    Could you explain a bit more please?
  24. I've relied to your ticket but for other customers who have the same issue. That message means a service is pending manual activation by the staff in the admin area. Under Billing, you'll see the orders widget (if not go to manage widgets on the left and active it from right to left). On the orders widget tick the box for the order and click approve. The order will now be active and the cron job will create the service.
  25. Describe the issue you're experiencing: Adding a url to the client logo URL section, shows the image in the preview but doesn't upload or save the location. When you go back to the setting or view the index it still has the Blesta logo. Provide detailed steps necessary to reproduce the issue: Try adding a url to the Logo url and hit save. List any generated errors. (The "Oh Noes" error pages are very helpful.): None Include the URL the error occurred on, relative to the installation path, ie "/admin/login": admin/settings/company/lookandfeel/customize/ Attach screenshots: N/A Include your configuration settings, i.e. OS, version of Blesta, version of module/gateway/plugin if applicable, version of PHP & MySQL. Blesta: Build 229 PHP: 7.4 Mysql: mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.25-MariaDB
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