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Everything posted by Michael

  1. I like a page like my old billing system if you was to do it as some people have a popup blocker. But I'd be happy with anything
  2. Haha dam I keep thinking people are on 3.0 without thinking of the 2.5
  3. I'm a bit confused mate, are you making a hosting account per client or a reseller account? Or are you a reseller using Blesta? Can you please go to: /settings/company/modules/installed/ and click on the cPanel module (Manage). Then go to: Edit on the server. Do you have Use SSL when connecting to the API (recommended) unticked? That's the only thing that I can think of for the SSL error. Also can you please go to: admin/tools/logs/module/ and click on the cPanel module log at the time you got that error, click it and paste the error if there is one, that will help the devs a bit.
  4. Michael

    Payment Types

    I believe they are for the backend when your recording payments, I use them when doing Manual payments when my PayPal IPN broke. So you can add Bank Transfer and then click Record Payment and select one of the Payment Types.
  5. Yes you would have to manually delete them, however you'll need to delete rows in other tables as they are all linked to that one client. I'm not sure what table have rows linked to one client, Paul, cody or Tyson can help you but it's not recommended.
  6. That was brought up before mate, and the reason we don't have the option is because you keep records of transactions etc for legal reasons in some places. Normal forums: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/522-delete-invoice-feature/ Beta forums (Locked): http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/214-suggestion-remove-invoices-and-services
  7. suppose it would be good for a beginner but if someone doesn't understand it, I wouldn't recommend them trying to change it. But I think the idea would be good in the documentation.
  8. YEY our reviews have gone up and the lovely verified badge haha.
  9. Nice domains I would be interested in one, but then I read "GoDaddy" and I hate that registrar as a customer however I do like the Owner Bob Parsons, a clever man.
  10. Like a redundant package mate?
  11. It did mate, but I think it was a one off thing. not 100% sure.
  12. You can't yet mate and don't you get charged for transferring a domain over?
  13. Clients (Email & Direct) / non clients (Email & Direct) It's weird haha.
  14. Describe the issue you're experiencing: When a ticket is opened, it displays it on both companies however it's not recorded on both companies [one shows open (0) and the other shows open (1)]. Provide detailed steps necessary to reproduce the issue. Just open a ticket in the client area. The same when they are being piped from emails. However I only get a ticket email to alert me from the company it was sent to. The piping files are separate with their own company number. I thought maybe it was because chrome updated and the tabs open for each company was the issue, however I logged out of both cubicwebs and licensecart ones, and re-logged into the licensecart admin and then bam I was seeing the cubicwebs ticket I just opened as a test. List any generated errors. (The "Oh Noes" error pages are very helpful.) N/A Include the URL the error occurred on, relative to the installation path, ie "/admin/login". Both support tickets management areas. Attach screenshots. Video: http://screencast.com/t/q0B1OGpR Include your configuration settings, i.e. OS, version of Blesta, PHP & MySQL. OS: Cloudlinux 6 Blesta: 3.0.3 PHP: 5.4.19 MySQL: 5.1.70-cll PS: I was thinking maybe it was the update to the file we had and I just never checked the tickets on the other company before so I didn't spot it showing up. Weird. Paul has a login account to my installation anyway so if you wish to test it, feel free.
  15. No problem mate.
  16. Anyone can transfer a domain with a EPP code so if it showed up as unavailable you wont be able to transfer.
  17. That is correct mate, and the development license has to be locked from public view. It makes it easier for the guys to moderate the development licenses.
  18. No problem just thought about it as they still will make money from it.
  19. Just an idea I wonder if LP will buy it from you if you asked. Keeps it with then.
  20. That wouldn't be a problem because you can get the license re-issued and then it will catch the new ip. Thank you for considering us and it won't matter as you can open a ticket with us and we'll get it re-issued for you. Ah that will lead to a issue, development licenses are issued to Blesta customers only mate. To get one after you purchase from Blesta.com simply open a ticket with them and they will issue it for you.
  21. Glad you managed to fix it:)
  22. Hello mate, Whats your server specs like php, mysql, os, control panel. Also do you have the PDO php function installed mate?
  23. There is a option to manually accept orders on the order forms mate is that what you mean?
  24. Would be a nice addon but I don't use the test haha.
  25. after the new install, when your ready to move the new install as your main live system.
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