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Everything posted by Michael

  1. I don't think they would effect it. Your better off waiting for a dev mate as they might be able to duplicate it and fix it for you. I only use PayPal myself.
  2. Upload v3.0.3 and then add the service. I believe we will need to re-add the old domains. Since they don't have a customer_id on them. Unless there's a way to update them.
  3. Best way to do this, is save your config.php to your desktop as that has the AES Key. Then upload the v3 files in the subdomain. Make a new database eg: username_v3blesta. Then install v3 and use the import feature, you will need the support module and the import module installed first though. Good luck.
  4. That's weird what module do you use for your domains, on mine a client ordered two domains and it went fine :s. Are you on Blesta 3.0.3 mate?
  5. That's weird lol. Not released but I have it :s
  6. Are you assigned to that department?
  7. Only products you made on the universal module, not the packages you made.
  8. Just to say this has been solved in a thread. Not sure where so thought it was better to confirm it was fixed here.
  9. Weird maybe you'll have to reinstall it to see the new version number because mine says 1.0.9. However you clicked on upgrade on the module to edit it :s
  10. could be related to the customer-id issue we have with the Logicboxes module.
  11. Michael

    The Game

    sounds good
  12. Your outdated. Universal Module (ver 1.0.9) Author: Phillips Data, Inc.
  13. I believe they will be adding more needed to the search but the minimum at the moment keeps the speeds fast the guys might add that for you, they will be able to update this to tell you their plans on that feature.
  14. +1 thought we had one lol but we don't
  15. That my friend would be a feature request as that could be done with a all in one page cart and the other providers you have used are probably using a competition software beginning with a W.
  16. I would say it's something to do with the connection of the namecheap module and the namecheap API mate.
  17. For hosting you have to assign a domain to it.
  18. After you've got to click on order other items. My video on another member's billing system will show you, it's on: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1079-domain-services-on-order-form/#entry8814
  19. I think it is the module, as I use Logicboxes module myself and I get that domain is available.
  20. For a domain and hosting, your better of using the Domain and other order form. As for that I believe that's your exchange rates. Go to: admin/settings/company/currencies/setup/ and then do the following: Tick Allow Client to Set Currency and untick Use Package Pricing for New Services Only.
  21. How do you get a domain reseller with Namecheap so I can try their module mate?
  22. Michael

    The Game

    What game?
  23. You need to tick use module I believe.
  24. I was a bit confused about the promotion code system, because they are still enabled even though they have expired. So I was thinking maybe we could have a feature that disables them on expiration and maybe two options: Active (20) Expired (40)
  25. Just tried it now for you mate... I've recorded it. I logged out of both and then logged in CubicWebs. http://screencast.com/t/3fm0vO79dsal
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