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Everything posted by Michael

  1. I personally don't mind but i used to do £10 late fee might do 30% but It would be cool if it was set by client groups so keep who keep up with payments don't get charged more. But then it could be unique by having one global and overwritten per client.
  2. Yeah can't wait for that, is that in 3.1 mate or 3.2 forgot haha
  3. This one isn't responsive me and Kyle (Memoryx2) are working on one but other stuff have been happening lately and it hasn't been worked on for a while, I hope to get on it shortly though. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/933-licensecart-responsive-blesta-in-development/
  4. Michael

    Release 3.0.4

    You can not copy the css folder over / login / structure but the login doesn't change much, I've not seen it in the patches, just the structure.
  5. Michael

    Release 3.0.4

    All I do is remove the app/views/client/structure.pdt (That is the only file used for integrations) unless you edited any other file yourself.
  6. There is a selection per domain name tld in Blesta 3, however it depends on the software you are using beforehand. WHM** importer doesn't import the packages yet, however from Blesta 2.5 to v3 does.
  7. Blesta doesn't yet, the modules in development are the ones most of their customers need, they are ranked in priority. I believe they was looking at that though so only in a matter of time before they probably start on one.
  8. Hello Automation is all ran by the cron and is run every 5 minutes or at the times set for it. Nothing is limited on the trial except the time, which is limited to 30 days.
  9. yeah I have that now but with multi-company I see both sites on one so not tracking probably mate
  10. Michael

    Release 3.0.4

    upgraded perfectly
  11. Not a bug that I'm aware of mate in Cloudlinux as I tested Blesta on the magicserver.pw which is my customer server.
  12. Did you manage to solve the issue mate?
  13. 3.0.4 will just be a Maintenance version which will fix bugs mate. You are probably waiting for 3.1.0 which has some cool features to come. I don't know more than more great features will be here. 3.0.4 probably will be the Thursday this week.
  14. Michael


    Good feature request for Multi-Company mate.
  15. yeah Blesta guys Paul, Tyson and Cody will be there to help you step by step to ensure you can get live asap. I've always been a Linux person myself haha.
  16. I wish I could help you mate but the only people I know are the devs they have their testing servers. They will be on at 3pm GMT about 9am PDT.
  17. I like both ideas.
  18. Michael


    Your best option would be to import them over, get the multi-company addon license, set that up, and re-make their accounts from the old company to the new one. Disable their old accounts on the old company.
  19. I don't have a issue on Firefox mate, might be something with a outdated browser or maybe your custom css is overwriting the blesta ones.
  20. have you got a uploads folder with another folder called 1 and inside that a folder called support_manager_files so /uploads/1/support_manager_files and ensure the uploads folder is 0777 permissions and it should upload there.
  21. It would be better if someone can open a bug report for the devs to look into it more closely.
  22. I don't believe there is a way to change this except the database as you stated because the 1-1500 are reserved for staff users.
  23. Everything in Blesta 2.5 gets imported over from staff, packages, etc. Nope you need the AES key from the config to do the import, without that key you can't import as that hash will be used in v3.
  24. They will have one mate, they did on the other module this is based on time will tell though.
  25. I don't believe it does, or I've missed it. To trial it, you just order the trial, get the files, upload it and run it mate. If you wish to purchase it to save 15% use MG_Blesta_15. It really is great and expands the cPanel module so you can set variables for packages etc.
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