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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Yeah just things like this happen it's only 4th bug fix of the great software, which has been re-written. Hopefully the guys can find this and give you a patch
  2. What domain TLD was it? Maybe it's a issue with just transferring domains because I can register new domains. I had a order on 3.0.3 and was happy it went though.
  3. That's weird that was a bug which was solved in 3.0.3 :s what version module have you got installed on your system? Latest version is: LogicBoxes (ver 1.0.4)
  4. You will need that ticked I believed. It's a bit weird, can you check your logs. admin/tools/logs/ Modules -> Logicboxes and see if you got an error you could post to help the guys help you.
  5. By transferring what do you mean it didn't transfer via your RC or not show up on Blesta. It takes up-to 5 days for the transfer to complete. The PayPal return link I believe needs to be set in your PayPal account under the IPN settings.
  6. Oh . Old cPanel module: click on service in client area --> Login username | password | link to login. cPanel Extended: click on service --> Nothing. --> Click manage --> Login to --> login buttons. (No username / Password). Same if your viewing the client's services except no log into section just a page and stats.
  7. Not yet, however you could post a feature request, they are currently prioritizing addons, so it may take a while for it to come out, however Paul, Cody and Tyson can inform you more.
  8. Great mate, will the log in info be shown up in the client area?
  9. On a package you can do: 1 month for 1.00 GBP 1 month for 2.00 EUR 1 month for 1.40 USD
  10. Nope, you can however make emails per client. They are doing a Mass mail soon not sure which version, but this would be cool. Maybe a feature request .
  11. Thanks mate, I tried to donate but hit this: "Currently PayPal accounts in India are only able to send payments. This recipient is not eligible to receive funds.".
  12. Looks splendid mate, will you be having a way for your clients to unban themselves from the client area? Then I think you've got a cool feature.
  13. Ok mate go to: settings > currencies > and do the below: You will then see the price change. You will need to ensure you don't define any other package currency manually, else they won't convert.
  14. Thats a nice way to thank both parties.
  15. They do generate automatically but with the new price if using exchange rates and not with promotions. Well I could be doing something wrong not sure haha. Paul, Cody or Tyson can enlighten us.
  16. No problem mate.
  17. Check if you have a recurring invoice, if you don't create a new invoice and fill in the recurring information. Set the next date to the date you wish to bill the client / client see it. Then from then on you will get a invoice generated.
  18. You'll need to go into the database for the client you wish to change. But I believe you need to edit a few more than one table if they have a service with you. Paul, Cody or Tyson can help you.
  19. I know they are looking at one, and I believe a member made one for Proxmox. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/693-proxmox-module/
  20. Michael

    Release 3.0.4

    same here need to link domains current customers who the domains don't show to have logicboxes connection.
  21. Nope but think of it like this, we've helped support a module for Blesta. I don't think we get a refund because they probably was discussing the agreement with the other company after the module was made so it wasn't planned.
  22. Michael

    Release 3.0.4

    Have you overwritten your blesta.php file? config/blesta.php
  23. Since we have a license that should stay active until it is release otherwise we will loose the module. I have packages set up with it and if I disabled it, they'd be broken. I don't believe you are eligible for a refund as they probably didn't know the results on what would happen.
  24. I've had the IPN on and off none record.
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