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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Your as bad as me LOL, from WH** -> Blesta 2.5 -> Blesta 3.0 B7 haha. Glad you had a save journey through them.
  2. So it was a server issue (Suhosin is something on the server). Anyway glad you solved it.
  3. To me it shows there's something on the server side not agreeing with Blesta, nothing wrong with the installer itself.
  4. Mine works: http://screencast.com/t/o9gjBaqfcmhZ Fresh installation of 3.0.5 on CloudLinux OS, PHP 5.4 and using a trial key. I'm using the Chrome browser by the way.
  5. That installed fine via ssh, but there's nothing wrong with the installer, as most of use use the web installer. Edit: Just the 30 days trial fails? what version of Blesta have you got for the trial 3.0.5? I'm going to try it if it is.
  6. Ok, would you like me to install the blesta trial for you and you can watch on teamviewer, I don't mind FTP to a directory however it would take longer as copying all the files.
  7. Yes ok good are you installing this on a domain on your webserver or your pc (localhost)?
  8. If you view-source the page do you see a hidden field with a hash? Every form should have: <input type="hidden" name="_csrf_token" value="85d56560f20e209d265beecf0584bcbda568f89da36c339b2b42029e83" /> Something like that with your own token. Also your installing a trial version, not a demo really. And is there anything missing on your server like mbstring PHP function?
  9. Michael

    License Module

    Yep, with it you can: - Generate keys. - see the location, IP, domain name. - Callbacks to check if it's valid. - Auto suspend when suspended. And more that I know of anyway, Paul told me a bit about it a while ago.
  10. Whether you need a Blesta License, Blesta Integration, Import to Blesta, we provide them at reasonable prices.

  11. Michael

    License Module

    Yeah the licensing module is 90% finished as I'm aware and will be a paid module + Plugin. Not sure on the price yet though.
  12. You can email sales[at]blesta.com if you would like to contact the Developers for custom work.
  13. for non logged in customers. If someone opens a ticket who isn't logged into Blesta, there is no information of that user, except: 1. Fake email address. 2. The ticket content. Again just have to close the ticket.
  14. You edit a package, change Module from cPanel to cPanel Extended. You then log in as the client, click any of the tabs, none of them work. Cancel the service (Not using the cPanel module). Then re-add the service using the new package, everything works. EG: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/826-cpanel-extended-for-blesta/?p=8366 Fix: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/826-cpanel-extended-for-blesta/page-3#entry8613
  15. Oh after they solved the issue I was having, old account doesn't work, they needed to be re-added.. I've not had another issue and I love it.
  16. Nice find, I've turned that on now on my CloudLinux Customer server, @RebornWebs, you should be fine now Matthew .
  17. If they do, I hope it's a upgrade button as I don't want to muck the cPanel packages up by having to re-make them. And I hope we can keep the old one as I have customers on the current cPanel extended due to purchasing it separate lol.
  18. It's a lot of work to make it part of the core software, I wouldn't say the time and effort would be worth releasing it free, which is why I suggested it should be a paid plugin like the licensing system.
  19. I'm not sure if it is a bug but it would be a nice feature I guess.
  20. Woops nice find glad you solved it.
  21. No problem mate.
  22. Remove the ajax javascript if you have that... Blesta's got it's own.
  23. Yeah but that's the issue, none of us have issues so it's not Blesta.
  24. I have heard it all now, better not find out his website.. Anyway, got a problem don't use it... but it's your loss not ours and zip it.
  25. It's in the URL (Look at the address bar) billing.licensecart.com/admin/clients/editservice/288/228/ <<<<<<<--------------------------
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