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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Love it mate maybe a nice place in the Contribute mate.
  2. I like that idea mate would make making packages easier for promotions, I know they are doing a system soon for themes, where you can export / import them.
  3. Yeah they can click order other items on the domain form, or you can change the default to a hosting one. Packages > Order forms > settings > select the default.
  4. /app/views/client/foldername/blueviolet.css You can edit that carefully, and if you bought the layout you can get everything needed for it, however I can give you the following: - Black - Blue - Red - Green - Brown But I can only give you the CSS and Images, you will need to edit it according to your liking.
  5. And it's guys like you mate, which help the community and helps Blesta get better. Well they are better anyway but you know what I mean .
  6. Michael

    Language Files

    Go into the language folder and copy the en_us to whatever your language you want. And edit the files inside the new folder. You will need to edit the client_ files. Then go to: /settings/company/general/localization/ and select it from the dropdown box. If you download anything from the translate website, you can use that, and add the new values yourself from the English one. Everything which doesn't have a translated version will show up in English.
  7. You can make another form for hosting and use that as a direct link, like I have if you visit my sites. Everything links directly to the products.
  8. Haha mate, on WHT he's slated every single one. So not much for him to choose from.
  9. Have you set up domain packages?
  10. Nothing in for you? Well for starters you'd be moved over faster, if everyone thought the way you did, there wouldn't be any plugins / modules, we are "a community" they don't have to make the script work for you, it works for 90% of people. They are doing it for you because they want to help you.
  11. I like the yes and no options
  12. I did use WHMCS (Bought it in 2010 & used it since 2008 [Was staff at my mates]), but hardly got refunded invoices to be honest, If I did I just did it via the PayPal refund tool.
  13. Special Affiliate hash.
  14. I would say they should make two importers LOL na maybe a option. Fresh Import [ ] Merge Import [ ] First system I know to do that.
  15. Yeah nice idea. Maybe they should make blesta ID's replace the WHM** one. So if the Blesta ID is up-to 50500, and you import a DB, it continues from 50501
  16. Good idea If a customer contacts me or a payment fails, I cancel the subscription and tell them that they can save money by remaking the subscription when they pay for the next invoice.
  17. Maybe ?a=9fa83829105c2b9d or url.com/9fa83829105c2b9d/
  18. And me lol Extra security and unique.
  19. Yeah I would say it was voided if we refunded it mate .
  20. Jeez there's loads of customers in this thread, give them a chance god.
  21. Why not edit the template for the order emails. This is a email from our new billing system in testing, we apologies for the inconvenience please ignore this email until further information. on the Account Registration | Invoice Notice (1st) | Service Creation templates.
  22. You need to select the order form type: Packages > Order form > Type: Domain and other. at the bottom you select packages to show. They are changing the front end way soon in the next versions of 3.x.x apparently, but at the moment the select a domain to buy then click on order other items.
  23. Ah glad you got it working mate.
  24. That's mine, but mine has been the same since the MG one before I upgraded the module. I don't remember selecting a order lol. I think maybe they was going to do something with it soon.
  25. Glad everything is working for you now mate
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