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Everything posted by Michael

  1. I think I know where I'm not buying my shoutcast servers from in the future. They've wrecked the old control panel design, and now they are lazy .
  2. Haha no problem, just wanted to link you so you can see the other replies.
  3. Paul I was wondering, you know Blesta auto does the callback, I had issues where it wouldn't return back, how could I get it set up so Blesta overwrites the callback?
  4. A few of us like this idea too http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1280-vestacp-blesta-awesome/
  5. Yeah Blesta does, but sometimes PayPal doesn't like returning back or it just hates me lol.
  6. Love it well done guys, I was looking and thinking maybe the powered by Blesta could be at the footer with the copyright information?
  7. Your callback url should only be http://yourblestaurl.com eg: http://billing.yourdomain.com
  8. Yes it is possible, on the packages, you put 2 month and the price or 3 month and the price and it will charge them every 2 or 3 months.
  9. No problem mate, it's from the old billing system I used but modified to work on Blesta so it kept the same information.
  10. Haha no problem, we are here to help.
  11. Michael

    Release 3.0.6

    Hello mate, how can I find the service row in the "services" table for this service_id without breaking Blesta haha I thought it was id 9 in the "services" table but when I changed it to pending nothing new showed up in the pending section on blesta services. HAHA Yey Found it, however It's going to be weird. Services = id = 9, however the package_group_id was NULL and not 6. And the pricing id wasn't correct.
  12. Michael

    Release 3.0.6

    Yes mate, but I can't see the services in the services tab mate to manage them just a empty box on their profile with Active (4)
  13. Hello mate, You might be looking for this solution: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/223-welcome-email-for-hosting/ You can also click the service row to see the log in information and a direct log in link. However this doesn't work on cPanel extended. On that module you need to click the service row, then click on manage, and then finally Log into and click the button.
  14. We just re-installed blesta fresh and did the accounts manually haha stupid WHM**.
  15. Glad I could help .
  16. Michael

    Release 3.0.6

    All done thanks mate, no issues except I can't see the old domains without the order-id still on the Logicboxes, my mate was invoiced for the domain so it's there somewhere, just can't get it to show under active services. I will keep looking though .
  17. I love the list you've got in the post now I can be nosey and see what's changed in each one haha
  18. The domain module requires a variable, (something.com) to move on. If your not using the domain form it won't find that variable and therefore push out a error.
  19. Agreed, it's because the logicboxes (Domains) are looking for the domain form, because it has the functionalities to search etc .
  20. Yes this isn't really a bug, what you need is a domain form. Packages > Order Form > New > Domain and Other Select the domain package group from the dropdown menu, and then move the packages you wish to show customers what they can buy after by moving the groups from the right to the left. Like below, might want to open it in a new page: PS: For a demo please don't visit mine as I sell domains on their own form and not together with a package.
  21. No problem, and thank you First actual attempt lol but it helps and if I do get it sorted, means I can help the community learn more. Just waiting to see if the guys do the development training sessions
  22. Just awaiting an email with a list of currencies they accept payments from and I can add that to the backend and then try and work how to do the payments. I'm not sure if you'll be using the Vault? If you do that would make it a merchant module and not a non-merchant one which I thought it was haha. Also questioning myself about their "var braintree = Braintree.create("-----");" function if that will be included.
  23. You can also see users online on the system overview widget on your home tab. If they are logged in, you will see a Blue bold username. If you don't see them on the overview widget, click the little cog on the right hand side and tick the active users checkbox.
  24. Click on the standard and click the left arrow.
  25. I'm going to try this well attempt it lol. Might help me improve my development skills, but it won't be the only BrainTree module, as I'm a beginner. But I'm going to try it, enough documentation to do it *fingers crossed*
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