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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Must be a WHM** issue then, we did a fresh install (Moved the production in a dev folder and re-made the accounts. Try upgrading to blesta 3.0.6 first.
  2. Excited haha.
  3. Why not just copy the full email? or enter the username / password, etc from the cPanel module row.
  4. Ah I see mate, maybe a way like you explained: Payment made --> Check if it's verified --> "Yes" --> Makes the service active "else no" --> Makes the service as pending (Green tick) --> Shows message to user "Your PayPal account isn't verified, please allow the billing department a few hours to check the payment and manually accept the order after a few security checks. We apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience." Or something much better than my content lol.
  5. Yes I agree, but it takes a member longer to get verified with the security checks PayPal use. And anyone can get a paypal account. I've not had any fraud yet, but most 99.9% of the time it's non verified on the WHT thread.
  6. Michael

    No Host Defined

    What version of Blesta are you using, and what's the version of the cPanel module? Are you a reseller or using root? Is there anything in the logs? Tools > Logs > Modules
  7. I think it would be nice to accept all verified paypal accounts, while non verified paypals could be manually reviewed.
  8. They don't at the moment, however they are looking at ways to offer trials if I am correct, but that's the first time I've heard of trialpay myself. Best way is to open a feature request mate.
  9. No problem, that's how I do it because I so wanted to get off the other billing system I moved from.
  10. I don't believe you do use that in the cron, however replace pipe.php with the code attached. This is what Cody gave us in another thread because a few of us had issues, not sure if it's the one you have already though: #!/usr/local/bin/php -q <?php /** * This files pipes email messages into the system. This is configured to process * messages for only a single company ID. Clone this file and change the * $company_id variable below to add pipe support for additional companies. */ $company_id = 1; try { include(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ".." . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ".." . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lib/init.php"); $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = null; $argv = array( '', 'plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/' . $company_id ); unset($company_id); // Dispatch the Web request if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) Dispatcher::dispatch($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); // Dispatch the CLI request else Dispatcher::dispatchCli($argv); } catch (Exception $e) { try { // Attempt to raise any error, gracefully Dispatcher::raiseError($e); } catch (Exception $e) { if (Configure::get("System.debug")) echo $e->getMessage() . " on line <strong>" . $e->getLine() . "</strong> in <strong>" . $e->getFile() . "</strong>\n" . "<br />Printing Stack Trace:<br />" . nl2br($e->getTraceAsString()); else echo $e->getMessage(); } } ?>
  11. No problem mate, glad to have helped you
  12. Try #!/usr/local/bin/php -q instead.
  13. Yes you need to edit the: admin/settings/company/billing/invoices/ settings: Invoice Days Before Renewal: Set that to how many days in advanced you'd like to invoice them. If they aren't in the default client group, in the other client groups you can change the settings. So if you have that set to 5 days. They would be invoiced on the 30th november.
  14. Lovely Jubbly
  15. You need: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Universal+Module#UniversalModule-InputRules In 3.1 they have improved it so much that I've heard.
  16. Would you need this on the the Blesta server or the InterWorx server mate?
  17. Michael

    Payza Gateway

    Aww great mate.
  18. Michael

    Payza Gateway

    Great addition thanks mate, but again how do people buy it
  19. Thanks mate, really amazing But how can we buy it lol
  20. You'll need SMTP not sure how you'd do that then mate. Paul and the guys might be able to help you
  21. Sounds good, maybe also a link to prove that the user is valid, I get loads of marketing for SEO on my sales / support emails. Not sure about the login bit. Never used it as a non client.
  22. Michael

    Cron Problem

    Haha yeah, if there's no backup configured it will just say completed.
  23. Paul, Cody and Tyson might implant these for you.
  24. Michael

    Cron Problem

    Yeah I know how you feel mate, I did panic myself until I found out my mate Dave had it before, but everything ran fine, then one day it just vanished.
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