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Everything posted by Michael

  1. I don't believe that is possible yet, but I don't use the solusVM module myself.
  2. I like this idea, it would be very handy and also if it saved the subscription ID and then calls the API to check if the payment was received and apply it. I agree, and I think most of us are coping by just manually applying them and checking the paypal account for payments when a order has been received. (We have the mobile app for PayPal, and it alerts us when a payment has been received which helps allot). I disagree here, the gateway works fine, it just needs to be adjusted to fit what their customers needs since people don't use the same email address. But again the warning message is handy.
  3. No problem, it allows the customer to know you have to do it as-well as help customers
  4. Could be 2 things. 1.) you've set it to a product they might not have. [ignore this one haha as you've stated this above that you've set it up to a package they can see] 2.) It didn't upload to the category. (I've had a few uploading issues myself but I think it's just me. I upload the file manually and link them.
  5. There isn't one at the moment, you could open a feature request, or contact Onesaas as it looks like they made the others. http://support.onesaas.com/customer/portal/questions/new
  6. There's not one at the moment however there is one in Blesta 2.5.
  7. not sure, it's supposed to, but maybe it's just the paypal emails, we'll see when the guys find a way to get PayPal integrated better for us. So I do everything manually but it's worth it You might want to add the notice I have. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1566-cannot-get-paypal-payments-standard-to-work/?p=12337
  8. That's probably the email dismatch. PayPal email must match the email the client has on record else they don't get recorded yet.
  9. Nothing as it will just be the login form. Blesta is secure enough without it.
  10. Configurable options in 3.1 would make this better. Make a addon package called tips / donations / whatever haha. Price it 0.01. and then they enter how many pennies they wish to tip you and then it adds it to their invoice.
  11. I was just thinking about our Customer Retention Rate and thought how many new customers did we get this month and how many did we have before. And thought it might be a cool idea if the system overview told you if you was keeping your 90%+ targets. How many new customers did we get? How many cancellations have we had? Just thought I'd share the idea . Example: Open tickets: 0 Customer Retention Rate: 98% Eg: Total customers: 118 New customers: 48 Customers at start: 70 Customer Retention Rate: 100%
  12. Michael

    Partial Refund?

    I only did it with paypal, and did it on their system and then recorded a -10.00 transaction.
  13. +1 I think it would be cool to hide the id in it. LL-150120130123
  14. I'm probably wrong then, but I thought Stripe would process the order, then Blesta would store them with a token to verify the card information. (I'm guessing because I don't have a dev install atm to test, my mate is using it to build a module).
  15. Doesn't look like your using the gateway. You need to go to the client area > click stripe on the payment gateway, then make the payment. I believe it will store the information after.
  16. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1388-blesta-310-b1-date/?p=12444
  17. Oh so I use Scenario 2. ok so I understand now mate sorry
  18. They do have one mate, just not the vault yet.
  19. That's weird, I use stripe and don't store card details on Blesta, and my customers can pay fine for both businesses. They get invoiced, they pay and then it's accepted on Blesta. I was looking for a invoice and then found it was already paid.
  20. ModulesGarden's module cPanel extended was going to have this cool feature but then they didn't finish it as they had an agreement with a competitor.
  21. Just www.myblesta.com/client/
  22. Do you have anything in the error_logs. If nothing go to /config/blesta.php then put this in the Misc section: // Shows error if -1 and not if it's on 0 Configure::errorReporting(-1); See that page and you should see a error.
  23. Yeah they are expensive
  24. I agree, haha It's lush.
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