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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Thanks mate that's fantastic news
  2. Ok mate, just wanted to see if people have a better choice than that ugly other system Ditlev tweeted about haha
  3. I love everything about Blesta
  4. That's correct, they are hoping to make the client area / order form in Bootstrap to make it responsive, and it will be easier for them to make fantastic order forms.
  5. Michael

    Release 3.1.0-B1

    It depends on your provider, I've asked Paul on behalf of a customer and was given permission to give it my customer. But again it all depends on the provider.
  6. Ah great news, do you have a CORE- number mate?
  7. Michael

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas to you too.
  8. I've never heard of it, maybe possible with the universal module while you await a module, you could open a feature request with as much information as you can. Maybe a link to a API documentation, and Merry Christmas.
  9. Dno mate.
  10. <div class="description"> <p> <strong><span style="font-size:16px;">Welcome to Licensecart's Billing Area...</span></strong><br /> <span style="font-size:14px;"><em>You will be able to manage your account or purchase new licenses.</em></span></p> </div> <div class="half section"> <div class="icon account"> <h1> <a href="{client_url}login/">My Account</a></h1> <p> Have an account with us? You can login here to manage your account.</p> </div> </div> <p> {% if plugins.support_manager %}</p> <div class="half section"> <div class="icon support_manager"> <h1> <a href="{client_url}plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/add/">Submit ticket</a></h1> <p> Need help? You can open a trouble ticket here.</p> </div> </div> <p> {% endif %}{% if plugins.order %}</p> <div class="half section"> <div class="icon order"> <h1> <a href="{blesta_url}order/">Order</a></h1> <p> Visit the order form to sign up and purchase new licenses.</p> </div> </div> <p> {% endif %}{% if plugins.download_manager %}</p> <div class="half section"> <div class="icon download_manager"> <h1> <a href="{client_url}plugin/download_manager/">Downloads</a></h1> <p> Visit the download area. You may need to be logged in to access certain downloads.</p> </div> </div> <p> {% endif %}</p>
  11. Yeah I have 8 but only when logged in:
  12. Check the portal code. Mine works fine: http://billing.licensecart.com/customers/plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/departments/
  13. I was wondering if there would be a module for OnApp in the future, loads of people have been asking OnApp for it, I think it might help expand the clientbase myself. https://twitter.com/ditlev/status/415205994739015680
  14. Haha yeah I've got to manually delete the signature but we're not big to have many tickets to do that to yet
  15. Michael

    Release 3.1.0-B1

    Yeah I would think so mate, their fixes will be 3.0.8 and ours will be in b2.
  16. Probably wait unless they would class it as a Task which would be added to the patch fix. But it might take them a bit of time to implant it.
  17. Sounds like a great idea to me mate .
  18. Yes it is normal, you need to edit the email address on the template, there was a feature request I think about using the department emails. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1001-support-system-emails-per-department/
  19. Is this a new install? What Blesta version do you have? I upgraded from 2.5 to 3.0.0. b7 so I don't think there's a issue with it myself, however they might of changed the importer in 3.0.1+. Latest version: 3.0.7 Beta version: 3.1.0 b1
  20. Michael

    Need Some Help

    1. Registrar's name is just for you, doesn't matter. 2. I use the pipe.php file Cody gave us on the forum. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1017-email-piping/page-2#entry8817 With the bash: #!/usr/local/bin/php -q When putting it on the forwarding advanced (Pipe to program): /usr/bin/php /home/username/public_html/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/1/ If you wish to keep it the same when upgrading you could call pipe.php pipe2.php. 3. I don't use it, I use the TheSSLStore.
  21. Merry Christmas guys from everyone at CubicWebs, hope you have a great day tomorrow. Here's a laugh for you all, you will be in stitches.
  22. You're welcome. We use: CubicWebs {ticket.department_name} - #{ticket.code} has been updated. [{ticket_hash_code}]
  23. You need the Hash in the subject, else it won't work which is why it says in the documentation that you need it. - {ticket_hash_code} - A hash code for validating ticket replies - Required to be in the subject line to allow for tickets to be replied to by email http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Support+Manager#SupportManager-TicketUpdated
  24. At the moment in 3.1.0 b1, you can have a signature which auto adds to every reply, so when you close a ticket, if you don't clear the text box it thinks it's a message and sends the reply to the customer (Just a signature). I believe it would be nice for it to auto detect the signature or have a tick box which says if the signature should be added.
  25. I'm just wondering why aren't the fields required? because people submit them without putting in the information required. I've had a order without a first name, last name, no approver email address... Also maybe if they are logged in a option to pull their information from their account? Oh weird, it was on pending then it activated and can't view it except in the activation it told us what email they used. confusing
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