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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Blesta version: PHP version: Version of OS: 32bit / 64bit: Are you using a control panel? InterWorx / cPanel / Plesk / DirectAdmin / none: Have you updated your kernel lately? Url to form:
  2. Michael

    Release 3.0.8

    Fantastic work guys
  3. It's a hard one to help with, because I've never come across that before since I've used Blesta from May 2013. Not once, it could be the way you've got your server set up, could be because your on centos 5.9, could be if your on 32bit or 64bit. could be anything unless you can narrow it down a bit for us.
  4. Yes they allow you to generate backups like on other systems, however like other systems, you can't restore the database, I suppose that stops un-authorized people who manage to get on that page mucking up the installation. You only need to go PhpMyAdmin.
  5. Nope there isn't it, however it would be a good feature request though.
  6. You need to check a table for it, I forgot the link to the thread, so I hope Tyson can post it again here for you.
  7. +1 will help with manual payments.
  8. Not at the moment, however you can put it in the transaction ID like I do. You can do a feature request however and maybe it will be added so you can leave notes.
  9. Michael

    Cpanel Extended

    Maybe it's the "ANY" causing issues.
  10. Michael

    Order Forms

    Why not use the custom fields for another client group, keep the registration on default, we do that. But on CubicWebs we use custom fields which can be edited by both parties, and we don't have a external registration form.
  11. I don't think it's out yet, as I can't see anything on that page, I found it on WHT haha: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=1339205
  12. Will this be considered when it's out to keep everyone on Blesta's while they checkout: https://www.paypal-pages.com/incontextcheckout/ Maybe 3.2 / 3.3
  13. Oh must be just because I have it installed
  14. If this was for client fields that would be nice to have to ensure the date of birth was a date in the format we like.
  15. Michael

    Cpanel Extended

    Nope been using it since day one. The only thing I can think of is Jack didn't remake the packages with the module, however changed a package's module from cPanel to cPanel extended.
  16. What I can make from Facebook he is trying to import domains from WHM** to Blesta 3.0 and they don't get imported, I'm not sure if it's because he hasn't selected a registrar or if it's because he has over 500 domains. Hope he doesn't mind me posting these from our Facebook page PM's.
  17. Like tick boxes?
  18. Yeah that's normal.
  19. Fantastic and thanks for posting it here I hope they give it Blesta to add to the collection otherwise it means contacting them haha.
  20. This is stable to use in production I've been using it since it wad released for a price. It is included in 3.1.0 which is in beta.
  21. You could post on their forum and see if other users are waiting for it .
  22. You need the domain and other order form.
  23. Michael

    Curious Issue

    On this page, does it show a A_? http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/components.html#alerts
  24. Michael

    Curious Issue

    What browser do you have? That's the bootstrap 2.0 close icon.
  25. I wonder if WHM** changed something in their 5.2.15 to try and secure a few issues, and that's mucked something up.
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