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Everything posted by Michael

  1. I do this (Provided afterwards) in the Name. You could put something like (read only) (Staff use)
  2. I believe they have planned this already mate, they are going to make a simple quote system and then extend it in the Project Manager Plugin.
  3. Dammit yeah I want to follow this
  4. Can you post the log mate
  5. You might as-well make addon packages then but don't add them to a ordering form (or group) so they don't show on the forum (Not tried this to see if this works) Then go to Manage on the customer's service at the bottom there's a dropdown box. Select the addon and then go to save. It should go to the invoice page.
  6. Oh you want it hidden from the order form? Completely so no options to select? Well you might want a hidden feature
  7. Michael

    Solusvm Module Kvm

    Be careful that no symbols are added in the password, if there is SolusVM will reject it whether successful or not, I hate SolusVM for that reason and use passwd command on SSH.
  8. Configable options. Packages > Options > Create Option Then select the type: Name: Default Value: 0 1 [Terms allowed by main service] price: 0.00 Add a new row: Name: Something else: Value: 1 or say Windows 1 [Terms allowed by main service] price: 15.00 Save it. By: [Terms allowed by main service] I mean say if you accept monthly and yearly on the main product where you will be assigning the configable options, you need two rows, else it will only be allowed on the term you set. Main service: Monthly | Yearly Config Option: Monthly It will only be shown up on the Monthly payment type.
  9. I believe so, if you make a default empty package like a 0 or default.
  10. It would be a nice feature for people from other billing systems, but I like it as it is because it means only people in the billing department can see orders / billing status etc.
  11. I think they might spot it today mate, as it's a Monday
  12. Configurable addons. I myself use Product addons. As we can see what is actually added to the service.
  13. Yeah they fixed it a while a go I believe .
  14. I'm sure this is a bug with the module but I can't be 100% certain however this is my video. With root + root remote key = Works With reseller username + reseller remote key = Fails Video: http://screencast.com/t/CpW4qqfpmvEV OS: CloudLinux PHP: 5.4.24 MySQL: 5.5.35-cll Apache: 2.2.26 cPanel Module: 1.1.0
  15. Psst.. Your lucky though you, have daily backups running
  16. Not unless you have a backup you can restore from.
  17. What are you editing? or Trying to edit? The Test on the url is set via the order forms page: packages > order forms > create order form The Test Breadcrumb with the portal / login page is the name of the order form. If your having issue placing a order on your install, I'm a bit confused unless you have done a Integration and missed some Blesta code.
  18. Try re-installing it, or upgrade and upgrade the module if it's got one.
  19. Did you do the dedicated IP via universal module? Also if he's paid and it's not updated the invoice ensure your callback url is: http://yourdomain.com/callback/gw/paypal_payments_standard/
  20. Thanks for the recommendation guys, and thank you for the review Susan and glad you enjoyed our service. Thank you Paul mate
  21. Don't worry Yeah it's different but if you think about it, it's easier . I used to use that pile of garbage and left them thankfully before all their exploits was targeted.
  22. Creation date: Edit via Database if you really need to. Renew dates: Manage > dropdown (Change renew date). Label / Domain depending on the module can be changed by manage.
  23. I think it would be cool to have a Idera module where you can connect it up to Blesta and be able to sell Idera backup space, etc all via Blesta. Maybe a option to add it as a addon service to webhosting products so they can manage their files straight from Blesta without logging into the system directly, by that I mean: How much space used, when the next backup is, etc. API: http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/CDP3/API+Documentation
  24. Michael


    It does it per year. A customer paid for a year with me and it ordered the year, when someone bought a 2 years SSL, it ordered that, however I'm not using GoGetSSL but I think it's the same.
  25. They need another account on the other company.
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