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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Nice mod mate, will have to try it in a bit.
  2. They can click make a payment and then tick the invoices and pay for them all at once, or make part payments. If it's a subscription they will be paid automatically.
  3. Michael

    Generate Password

    Would this idea help mate? http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1998-generate-password-and-confirm-page/
  4. Just a idea: If a user account is created, a Temp password is emailed to the customer, and when they log in they are prompted to reset their password to a secure password. Same thing happens when they use the "Forgot password" link. Would that be handy for others?
  5. Already planned for 3.2.x as CORE-1016.
  6. 5,000 domains bloody hell man
  7. This is coming soon mate, Paul might have a CORE- number but not sure. Yeah we're interested in it as-well but you could do what we do and use the same price, it just means we can't do promotions on registrations.
  8. If you go to the billing tab, click on widgets, get the order widget up, click pending, then click on manage. You might be able to see the information the client put in, if you can select: Personal | Limited Company or something. Does it work? I've not used the Enom module but I think that might be a way, but I'm guessing here sorry.
  9. Is it like this for instance: 1 [hours] [5.00] [0.00] [0.00] On the order form because it's set to a hour it configures the order form to do: Number of hours: [ ] So if I put in 24 there, it then invoices me 24 x 1 hour = 5.00 x 24 = 120.00
  10. Michael

    Delete Tickets

    It's how Blesta works at the moment mate, it's hard for the guys to meet everyone's needs however they do the best they can, a feature request is the best way. 1. - Again I believe that's down to the legal reasons, if you un-install it feel free to and then re-install it, however if you need a ticket for reference you won't find it. PS: check this post out: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1837-clear-customer-data-function-for-admin/?p=14093 2. We did discuss this in another thread a while back: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/535-spam/ Maybe you can help towards it. 3. Move tickets, I'm not sure if I've spotted that before, I think it would be a good feature request if there isn't one. They have been out for ages though years to be precise, and Blesta 3.x.x is built from the ground up, none of the code has been from 2.5, that's why some of the 2.5 features aren't in 3.x.x. Because if you want to "Stop" the spam until the function is in Blesta, that's the way to do it. You can't get blood out of a stone as they say in the UK.
  11. Yeah it's a nice feature at the moment we can do it via the invoices but that's as far as it gets, it would be cool for a hour in a dropdown box on the packages. AutoSave video: http://videos.blesta.com/video/64763991 that shows you how to do the invoice per hour .
  12. Michael

    Delete Tickets

    Yeah, we just close them and in cPanel there's a email filter, we put the emails in a filter. That way they get discarded before they reach the billing system. cPanel > Account Level Filtering > Create a New Filter > Rules: From equals
  13. Michael

    Delete Tickets

    You can't sorry, most business need to keep them for legal reasons, same with invoices.
  14. Same here.
  15. You are correct, Blesta does this out of the box.
  16. It will create reseller accounts but you need packages on WHM. On the cPanel module, select reseller.
  17. Best way in my opinion would be setting two server groups and servers. Server Group = Reseller 1 ==> Server = Reseller 1 Server Group = Reseller 2 ==> Sserver = Reseller 2 Each with their own nameservers, and then package them as you wish. Package > create Module section > cPanel > Group = Reseller 2 etc.
  18. I shall help you: WHM** = Crap Security, Crap coding practices, crap support.. List can go on! ClientExec = The new one is ok, but the old one is confusing as hell, I was helping a customer move over and god I didn't know what I was doing so had to enquire with my customer to work out safely without breaking her production installation.
  19. I highly recommend Eric, he is just amazing to work with, and I've learnt a lot from our chats. He's done a custom module for me and will be finishing another shortly. I will be getting all my modules from Eric and will be recommending him to customers / friends, because he's just amazing to work with You can't go wrong.
  20. Thanks to the amazing Eric, I've found a way to get the username / password box showing if the user clicks the service row in the client area. He explained to me when doing a module for me that the module needs to grab the information with the "getClientServiceInfo" fucntion, and I managed to use the cPanel module from Blesta to implant the features. Go to: /components/modules/cpanelextended/cpanelextended.php Find: public function getClientServiceInfo($service, $package) { return null; } Replace it with: public function getClientServiceInfo($service, $package) { $row = $this->getModuleRow(); // Load the view into this object, so helpers can be automatically added to the view $this->view = new View("client_service_info", "default"); $this->view->base_uri = $this->base_uri; $this->view->setDefaultView("components" . DS . "modules" . DS . "cpanelextended" . DS); // Load the helpers required for this view Loader::loadHelpers($this, array("Form", "Html")); $this->view->set("module_row", $row); $this->view->set("package", $package); $this->view->set("service", $service); $this->view->set("service_fields", $this->serviceFieldsToObject($service->fields)); return $this->view->fetch(); } Save it. Now go to: /components/modules/cpanelextended/language/en_us/cpanelextended.php Find: // Basics $lang['Cpe.name'] = "cPanel Extended"; $lang['Cpe.module_row'] = "Server"; $lang['Cpe.module_row_plural'] = "Servers"; $lang['Cpe.module_group'] = "Server Group"; Now paste this underneath it: // Service fields $lang['CpanelExtended.service_info.domain'] = "Domain"; $lang['CpanelExtended.service_info.username'] = "Username"; $lang['CpanelExtended.service_info.password'] = "Password"; $lang['CpanelExtended.service_info.confirm_password'] = "Confirm Password"; $lang['CpanelExtended.service_info.server'] = "Hostname"; Now save it and you should see the information for their account just like the Blesta cPanel module. You don't get a login url though and since you get it from the manage -> Login to I thought there was no need to try and fix it. I've got the full download here for you, you just need to remove the cpanelextended folder and replace it with the one in the zip. It will only work on 3.1.x I believe due to that's the version I edited it on, feel free to try it on 3.0.x. Again big thanks to @secforus_ehansen and Blesta (@Paul, @Cody, @Tyson for this edit. Download: http://licensecart.com/public/cpanelextended-customedit.zip You can find the cpanelextended folder in /components/modules/ Preview:
  21. We can accept them manually by editing a file, however this looks different, but I'm not 100% sure haha I hope Paul, Cody and Tyson enlighten us what that API call does and if it will be easy to implant it.
  22. I'm not sure if that's a bug or a feature request mate but yeah it would help haha.
  23. Great thanks, I would love to use it GoCardless, however you've stated it's just for one off payments, so it means I can't use it yet.
  24. Change the 1 to a 2 and it should work we do for SSL prices.
  25. You could make a plugin to do the custom code and it would save worrying over updates. 3.1 is amazing and 3.2 is fantastic from what I've seen. Bootstrap 3.2. Click a core number link and see what you'll be missing out on.
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