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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Can't wait mate
  2. Settings > Company > General and edit the Date Format to d M Y (24 Feb 2014) or any other PHP Date format: http://php.net/date (Mirror: http://uk1.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php)
  3. Nice feature, I've not had any customers ask me before about changing passwords so haha. However if this does happen I would like a way to force quick links. Eg: I can force a links to expand navigation.
  4. open a ticket via https://account.blesta.com/client/plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/add/3/ to get a trial key, as it's not working.
  5. Welcome to the community, 1) You can only use one module however you might be able to use more than one if you have like .com (Logicboxes) and then .com (Nother registrar). 2) You can set nameservers on the domain package. eg: .COM (ns1.domain.com & ns2.domain.com) .NET (ns3.domain.com & ns4.domain.com) 3) There isn't yet however you could do a promotion code for yearly plans. Xero (Not yet) WebDrive (Not yet) TPPWholesale and Ghandi (Not yet and Not yet) Comodo SSLs (You can via GoGetSSL or TheSSLStore) FreshDesk (Not yet, you can ask them direct) CoinJar (Not yet, but you could try BitPay) Swipe (Not yet, but you could try Stripe) PayPal Express Checkout (Not yet but Blesta supports PayPal and PayPal Pro) Hope this helps. Feel free to open a feature request for items you need and maybe if enough votes are got, the guys might add them to their list, but the guys will know more about this to help you.
  6. Michael

    Paid Downloads

    Not sure about the add package unless it's the "One time only payment, and then you need to edit the file one file, which you can find in the bugs forum. The 2GB you will need to edit the PHP configuration for max upload and the memory limit. I upload big files to the /uploads/1/download_files/ folder and then link to it on the path to file /home/username/uploads/2/download_files/blesta-3.1.1.zip
  7. Go to the client's account click on the manage next to the domain (after you added it) and then click on the dropdown box and select change renew date, then put it to the date it expires . I did that to all my customers, you can't change the date created, unless you want to edit the database. (Which it's highly recommended not to incase you break something).
  8. 1 50/60 in the quantity = 1 hour 50 minutes. it will auto calculate the price. 3 40/60 = 3 hours 40 minutes.
  9. Michael

    Paid Downloads

    Yeah you need to make a package. Then on the download manager select allow for packages: package name.
  10. Michael

    Paid Downloads

    oh yeah forgot about that, so that does work that way.
  11. Yeah it's better I believe, simple and effective, you can make a special group, and put the one package you like in it as-well as the main group, but you can't show a package they pick, not yet anyway. They are working on other order forms for the future, so you could suggest it .
  12. Michael

    Paid Downloads

    Didn't think about that, I thought a module for a like "download manager" however it has a paypal or something button which after payment returns to the new download manager with a button to download.
  13. Michael

    Paid Downloads

    Create a module for it, Eric ( @secforus_ehansen ) is amazing if you ask him, he could probably do work out a way to do it for you. We use Eric for our custom modules.
  14. I don't believe it's coming in 3.2, as they've got plenty of new features including the responsive theme, which takes a long time, I know 3.2 is coming shortly within a few months. 3.3 It might be included in that, but Paul and the guys know more about it than myself.
  15. Depends what your trying to do: Sell Hosting & Domain together: Order form > Type: Domain and Other > Domain order form then select the packages for hosting. That will show the domain groups first then they pick the hosting package. Sell one or the other (How I do it): Customer click order they get hosting packages, they order a domain after by clicking domains on my website and then go to the domain order form. That's just Order form > Type: General > Packages for hosting. Order form > type: domain and other > just pick the domain group.
  16. I believe the CORE- is private and it has a table Register / Transfer / Renewal I believe. But the plugin works for all domain modules, so it's much better.
  17. If people put empty fields well that's their fault for stupidity, it won't process and you won't get charged a penny as it won't process to TheSSLStore. Not sure why it's a problem? SSL Certificates can't be changed (Information / Domain name) so if they want to loose money not your problem .
  18. I use Google Chrome mate, and wicked
  19. I did back in the Beta 7, so I could get off that rubbish system, with exploits, bad coding, updates every week or month. Breaking functions completely, license calls home and when their server was down, we was locked out. Loads I could carry on lol. To move, you've got the new 3.0 importer. I went to Blesta 2.5, then imported to 3.0.0 b7.
  20. The order was pending payment, it went though, but if your leaving fields empty it won't process and you can get a email (Creation report) saying: Module is throwing a error: Field = something is not correct. Then you can fix it, or inform the customer. But I've not had that happen yet, people fill it in and we process the orders. One customer even re-issued his Certification using the new CSR.
  21. Your hostname would be domain.com
  22. It's fixed for me. I use 3.1.1 and I've had orders done. I've removed the domains due to customer privacy.
  23. I know it's included it's going to be so cool
  24. Vouch for Eric, he's amazing to work with.
  25. I've just done the hard work for other members all packaged up for you with the needed edits, it works for me that's how I know it's safe to do. All you need to do, is edit the tables with 's code, and then just upload this to your Blesta root and extract, this will then overwrite the needed files. BLESTA 3.1.1 http://licensecart.com/public/support-manager-paulov.zip The only issue I have with mine is if you click spam, it doesn't load the tickets until you F5. Hopefully it's just my mistake and Paulo V can help and then that will be fixed in the zip.
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