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Everything posted by Michael

  1. I've made a nice edit I believe myself for this support ticket counter. I have a OCD of colours and everything must fit in and look modern. So you can tell I'm not a fan of red on my skins. This little tweaker is much nicer in my opinion. If you like it then you can do it by editing a few things: Go to: /app/views/admin/default/css/theme.css Put this code anywhere: .status_box{ background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #theme_header_bg_color_top 19%, #theme_header_bg_color_bottom 100%); /* FF3.6+ */ background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(19%,#theme_header_bg_color_top), color-stop(100%,#theme_header_bg_color_bottom)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #theme_header_bg_color_top 19%,#theme_header_bg_color_bottom 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */ background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #theme_header_bg_color_top 19%,#theme_header_bg_color_bottom 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */ background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #theme_header_bg_color_top 19%,#theme_header_bg_color_bottom 100%); /* IE10+ */ background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #theme_header_bg_color_top 19%,#theme_header_bg_color_bottom 100%); /* W3C */ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#theme_header_bg_color_top', endColorstr='#theme_header_bg_color_bottom',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 */ } Then go to: /plugins/support_manager/views/default/admin_tickets_count.pdt And replace that file with: <?=$this->_("SupportManagerPlugin.nav_primary_client.main", true);?><span id='blcou' class='status_box' style='margin-left: 5px;margin-right: -10px;padding: 7px;color:#ffffff;-webkit-border-radius: 5px;-moz-border-radius: 5px;border-radius: 5px;'><?=$status_count['open'];?></span>
  2. Ah, thanks mate had to edit: /plugins/support_manager/views/default/admin_tickets_count_include.pdt change admin to the routes admin name.
  3. Doesn't work for me. But I use the default plugin with your tick box and spam sections.
  4. The customers click their service row and can see their username | password | link to log in.
  5. There's a welcome email here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/223-welcome-email-for-hosting/ made for webhosts.
  6. I've voted but it would be cool if the uninstaller, reverts to the support manager table just incase they need it.
  7. Make sure your website is encoded with UTF-8 eg: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
  8. Michael

    Create Product

    The cron if you've set it up correctly runs every 5 minutes.
  9. Michael

    Create Product

    Just enable the PayPal module, and on the "Free" Order form untick PayPal and click pay offline.
  10. Michael

    Create Product

    Maybe one one time = 0.00 and then apply it to the a new order form called free (Manual process) and then only accept orders which haven't used a free package.
  11. Michael

    Create Product

    They will register after that next step automatically, you can make a register form if they don't order, on the type just select client registration. You can make it so you have to manually check every order. That will mean it won't be processed until they've opened a ticket with you.
  12. Michael

    Create Product

    I've created a video for you since you can't understand us. http://screencast.com/t/YmjRLZHV I don't show you how to set up a server for cPanel because I don't have a spare and if I edit the one I have I will effect my customers.
  13. +1 it would be nice maybe the guy who has done the live chat would add it in for us. we could do it but I'm not good with PDO SQLs
  14. It would be nice if this was renamed support_manager+ or something so users can choose between each one and it won't be affected by the updates. However I would like to see these on the Blesta's official one if they would haha Tick boxes and the Spam section where if the email address is in spam it won't accept it again however adds it to the spam section like you do.
  15. Michael

    Create Product

    Have a look at: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Creating+Packages
  16. Added InterWorx version.
  17. Nope I've print screened a few sections of my install for you, please note I'm using Blesta 3.1.1 and have PHP Soap installed. Then the nameservers in the boxes below it.
  18. Both had it, Transaction IDs were on Blesta and Bitpay. Logs (Forgot about them): Ordered at: Feb 25, 2014 5:36:42 AM Input: https://bitpay.com/api/invoice/ a:19:{s:6:"apiKey";s:43:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";s:7:"orderId";s:14:"490-1393306601";s:15:"notificationURL";s:65:"https://billing.cubicwebs.com/callback/gw/1/bitpay/?client_id=490";s:17:"notificationEmail";s:18:"client-email-here";s:11:"redirectURL";s:127:"https://billing.cubicwebs.com/plugin/order/main/complete/shared-hosting/530c2be971dcb?price=0.76&posData=1095=0.76&currency=USD";s:8:"currency";s:3:"USD";s:16:"transactionSpeed";s:4:"high";s:7:"posData";s:9:"1095=0.76";s:8:"itemDesc";s:19:"Invoice #CW-2014-86";s:8:"physical";b:0;s:9:"buyerName";s:12:"Frank Miller";s:13:"buyerAddress1";s:23:"Client-address-here";s:13:"buyerAddress2";s:13:"client-address-2";s:9:"buyerCity";s:6:"client-city";s:10:"buyerState";s:6:"Taipei";s:8:"buyerZip";s:3:"client-zip";s:12:"buyerCountry";s:25:"Taiwan, Province of China";s:10:"buyerEmail";b:0;s:10:"buyerPhone";b:0;} Output: https://bitpay.com/invoice?id=R18nGJoNm9Fnxxxxxxxxxx a:10:{s:2:"id";s:22:"R18nGJoNm9Fnxxxxxxxxxx";s:3:"url";s:52:"https://bitpay.com/invoice?id=R18nGJoNm9Fnxxxxxxxxxx";s:7:"posData";s:76:"{"posData":"1095=0.76","hash":"zJdYBrqsqCzob9ey4-igaNxzNRwerzHZMxxxxxxxxxx"}";s:6:"status";s:3:"new";s:8:"btcPrice";s:6:"0.0017";s:5:"price";d:0.7600000000000000088xxxxxxxxxx1252323389053xxxxxxxxxx;s:8:"currency";s:3:"USD";s:11:"invoiceTime";i:1393306602281;s:14:"expirationTime";i:1393307502281;s:11:"currentTime";i:1393306602460;} Feb 25, 2014 5:38:17 AM = Same as Output above. Feb 25, 2014 5:50:22 AM = Same as Output above. At Feb 25, 2014 6:07:42 AM the client then re-makes a payment as he thought it wasn't working, and then opened a ticket with us 30 minutes after. At "On Feb 25 2014 7:38 AM" I marked it paid as I woke up and found the ticket and the billing system wasn't activating the service when it was paid. On his client account two Transactions was: Type Amount Credited Applied Number Status Date Options Bitpay $0.76 $0.76 $0.00 FdLx6hQqe59Qxxxxxxxxxx Approved Feb 25, 2014 6:09:54 AM Bitpay $0.76 $0.00 $0.76 R18nGJoNm9Fnxxxxxxxxxx Approved Feb 25, 2014 5:38:17 AM
  19. Works fine for me, but I ordered at the nearest time to the cron running (Which runs every 5 minutes). Watch the video here: http://screencast.com/t/1mJOsM8Ecr I believe my session from licensecart.com was still active when I last logged in which is why it showed up on the video.
  20. I'll try my install now.
  21. Have you tried adding the service via your admin area for the client, I provisioned an order without a invoice due to the customer paid for cPanel and wanted to move to the new server and it worked.
  22. It's a free open source live chat. http://livehelperchat.com/
  23. Hello guys, I've had the Bitpay gateway installed for a while, and just had a order today, all our information is correct and it does work, the payment was accepted a hour ago, and the transactions was recorded, the service had a green ticket, however it was still standing in pending. No creation error, and it worked when I accepted it manually. The transaction speed is High, so it should be faster than normal. Just wondering if anyone else has this issue to see if it is the module or it just doesn't like me. Thanks.
  24. Thanks, only issue I have is haha that diff file looks very confusing when going to edit the pdt file.
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