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Everything posted by Michael

  1. No it's not. Please try these: 1. Re-upload the 3.1.2 patch files fully. 2. Check if you have config/blesta.php If you have the blesta.php and re-uploaded try this: Go to config/blesta.php Edit: Configure::errorReporting(0); To: Configure::errorReporting(-1); And go to /admin/upgrade or if you have a custom routes for the admin /whateverset/upgrade/ And does it have a error? If so post it here for the guys to help you
  2. Ah same as me except I forgot it's 3.1.2 haha woops. You could re-install it.
  3. Which update? mine works on 3.1.1 (backend)
  4. Ah the top one I gave might of been for the admin side sorry. Glad you found the one though .
  5. Sounds interesting.
  6. Ah I see Go to: /components/modules/solusvm/language/en_us/solusvm.php And find this: $lang['Solusvm.!error.host.format'] = "The hostname appears to be invalid."; And change the message to what you wish.
  7. You'll need to put say: blesta.com for example. or server1.yourdomain.com Blesta always checks the domain to see if it exists. if it doesn't it won't allow it.
  8. Just wondering guys, will this be able to do in 3.3 with the invoices?
  9. Copied your top code in source and clicked on the source button to show the WYSIWYG tools, then clicked source again.
  10. I don't believe it's a bug, as you can contact Blesta to assign the IPv4. I could be wrong though but I believe you can as-long as they are on the same server (location).
  11. You need to untick "Use module" so it doesn't call cPanel.
  12. Looks fine for me when I try it bud.
  13. Hello guys, If you get the above error you need to download the patch I was given: http://hostsumo.com/licensecart/live_chat_patch.zip Patch needs to be extracted in: /plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/cache/cacheconfig
  14. I wonder if it would be possible to link it to the Blesta departments, only shows when the departments are opened, or maybe ran off a livechat department which is hidden. Also it doesn't work per company. If I go to billing.licensecart.com (Where I installed the chat) it shows up on the other hostname billing.cubicwebs.com. Is the chat implanted by a file?
  15. All works now thanks mate, keep the good work up. I would like it to be easier to log out and ensure no-one is on. And a way to hide the live support when your offline.
  16. Ah yeah sorry my mistake, I still can't get the window working though, same issue as I sent you mate.
  17. Bug: Uninstalled ==> Navbar tab is still there.
  18. Like a default value? +1 for this.
  19. We can't use your LiveChat because you need ASP_Tags on and we've disabled it.
  20. Some people like myself don't like using the /admin/ we call it like administration, staff, staffportal to hide it from the public. You can do this by editing the "Routes" in the routes file found at /config/routes.php /** * Admin panel directory name */ Configure::set("Route.admin", "backend"); /** * Client panel directory name */ Configure::set("Route.client", "customers"); That's ours at the moment. You can find out more about this by reading: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Installing+Blesta#InstallingBlesta-ChangingthepathtotheAdminarea
  21. Well the bit which says admin mate haha
  22. Yeah the tick boxes is part of edit of the support manager done by Pavlo V, you can find it here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2001-support-manager-tickets-delete-merge-spam-multiple-tickets/ It's fine mate, we're all here to help but yeah it's hell over there, I'm lucky I moved in May before everything erupted. You'll be able to sleep again when you're on Blesta don't worry.
  23. I'm not sure you could use a query to select the details from the staff ID. Paul and the guys will be better at helping you with that, maybe they could include it in 3.3 for you. When a ticket is assigned to them it should be highlighted like so: And I agree that software your currently using is crap.
  24. In a ticket email use this: {% debug %} and then get a email, when you've got the email remove the tag, it will give you all the features you can do eg: ticket. outcomes name
  25. It does work for non edits, you just need to edit the folder url in the one file as above mate.
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