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Everything posted by Michael

  1. There's a un-official plugin which has tick boxes you could ask if they could implant a close button. But it would be nice to have automatically on the support manager. +1.
  2. Have you enabled USD and PayPal on the order form?
  3. Erm it's a public support department why does it bother you? Personally that's where I tell everyone to go as it saves posting a email that spammers can get.
  4. I get customers for hosting from Webhostingtalk. I get customers for licensecart from Webhostingtalk, Blesta, InterWorx and Google.
  5. Michael


    Thanks Kiran.
  6. Hey mate, my draft format is: DRAFT-{num} too, my normal invoices are CW-{year}-{num} But I don't use drafts You can log into my system and make a invoice for 1500 mate.
  7. I get this error too.
  8. So Mt. Gox failed to update their code even though other exchanges worked together with others, the bitcon developers and their customers, and that's why they died, much more interesting conversation though. This is the end of the section though number 17th. I love bitcoins and also I believe they are better closed
  9. +1 nice idea so like the order form but per services, might be hard since the services are in a table at the moment, maybe a special page for it.
  10. +1 nice feature request for people using the default navigation.
  11. Michael

    Cron Issue

    Ok mate accepted you.
  12. Michael

    Cron Issue

    Hello mate, you need the full path as Paul said on cPanel: /usr/bin/php /home/username/public_html/index.php cron
  13. The lounge is the best place for these even though there are other places to sell them like ExtraLicense and WebHostingTalk. But I suppose it keeps it at the heart and yeah they are all promo $99 licenses for sale.
  14. Agreed, but that user signed up just to post that.
  15. Not sure I just open a few and close them. You can use the plugin P.V made in the marketplace to do this with the tick boxes. Which is easier but when you update Blesta the function need to be re-added.
  16. You can create a note per invoice in the Public Note section. However you can't make one note for all invoices yet, you can open a feature request for this though.
  17. Nope not at the moment, you could open a feature request or you can code a plugin or pay someone to do it. We use Eric for our modules / plugins you can contact him in the marketplace thread or by PMing him at @secforus_ehansen.
  18. OP: Sorry I missed this thread when I was on my rounds, you don't need to edit the order form you can just make a domain and other form for the domains only or you can make a domain and other and use the domain order form and add the directadmin packages so people can order a domain and webhosting. I myself have them separate because the customer can choose to order a domain or just pick a hosting package. <<Snipped>>
  19. In the Beta for 3.0.x we was talking about that with the guys and they was wondering what was needed as there are websites which do it like pingdom. Not sure the process on the convo since then lol.
  20. oh sorry I'm half asleep (Not a good excuse haha) you use that code for the emails not a cron. Go to: cpanel > > forwarder Then type the email eg: sales [@yourdomain.com] Then go to pipe to program: Put that code in it.
  21. in your cPanel cron you just put: /usr/local/bin/php /home/user/public_html/portal/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/1/ Also ensure your pipe.php is 0777 perms.
  22. I use piping and not had one issue yet.
  23. Can you check the logs please. Tools > Logs > Email. See if it's got any errors.
  24. Michael

    Wrong Email

    You need to do what Alex said. I believe there will be a feature to use a email address globally.
  25. Would be a nice feature, you can however click the x per item at the moment .
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