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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Not yet, you can get a plugin done for it or request it in the feature request forum.
  2. Thanks Kiran and the guys.
  3. What's the difference mate?
  4. Just the javascript and everything else not visible
  5. I think he meant 3.1.2 haha and yeah I love it mate.
  6. I disagree, admin side is amazing the way it is, only the admins will be using it. However I've noticed my brands get a lot of visitors using Tablets and Phones, so it's important that the frontend caters for them else you can loose orders. I believe the guys have the same sort of customers and that's what triggered the bootstrap client area. WHM** you mentioned is already on bootstrap from 5.x.x which is on Bootstrap 2. so upgrading it wasn't much effort, and their admin area you only edit a few files header & footer and a css file. Blesta however is built with loads of functions to make it work, boxes, widgets, navs, etc everything piles up and it will take a lot of man hours to do it.
  7. Best to open a ticket or email them at sales@ just as they can get to you faster than the forum.
  8. I dowt the admin theme will be changed, due to how advanced the admin area is. You will be able to edit the structure.pdt to make changes to suit your needs.
  9. They are hoping for it to be out shortly, but no date set mate.
  10. Weird :s do you get a error? wait about 30 minutes to see if your banned from Blesta. (It does lock you out if you fail to log in) and if that doesn't work try your cache. I had a issue where MYSQL failed and when fixed it played up. Next day I could log in again.
  11. Download the full files for 3.1.2, and replace the files needed and then upgrade. It's as simple as that. If you have custom files remember to back them up and just replace them.
  12. It's fantastic thanks mate. For installation guys put the folder in /components/reports/ And in Blesta go to: Billing > Reports > Customer Information > Export
  13. You know on the order form you get the option for the recaptcha, maybe in the general settings - [ ] Require recaptcha on support system if not logged in.
  14. You could use a promotion or edit the invoice. You might be looking for this: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2106-ability-to-adjust-price/
  15. Michael

    Removing A Package

    Nope, not that I know of because as Paul said above, it's not recommended and you can just inactivate them. They probably will in the future though since that's why the option is there but due to accounts I believe that's why you can't delete them at the moment. However there's so much fields needed to be deleted per client and it's hard to do it safely.
  16. Michael

    Removing A Package

    Oh haha, put the package as restricted.
  17. Improved to work on 3.1.x
  18. +1, unless they are by email as that would be impossible
  19. Michael

    Removing A Package

    Disclaimer: Always take a backup first before editing the database at any time. Myself or Blesta (the software your using) isn't responsible if you break your installation. In this video I will help you delete an account fully, it's not recommended however if you must for any reason, please follow the video carefully. Don't rush and take your time. I'm going to show you the safest way not to break your installation: If you do follow the video carefully you won't have a broken database. View video on: http://screencast.com/t/aw8BoSAXVgbz I apologies that it took so long, I had issues like ( Showing Client information on the clip by mistake, so I've edited this one by editing the html at the end before I removed the client ) PS: Never delete the service row itself as it won't remove everything related to that service which can cause issues, which is why I stopped as I did and rectified what I was going to do by mistake.
  20. On a coupon code press: Apply when service is added or renews
  21. You can if you re-create it, if you mean you've applied a promotion code and it doesn't save it on the admin side I believe that is fixed in 3.2.x I'm not sure if it was fixed in 3.1.2 as I've not done it again to test it.
  22. Fantastic, and you're welcome glad you got it working. If you prefer you can edit the Email Template for Account Registration and add the following: Hi {contact.first_name}! Thank you for registering with us. Your new account has been set up and you may login to our client area with the details below. Please login and change your password at your earliest convenience. Login at.. http://{client_url}login/ with.. Username: {username} Password: ******** [Hidden for security] If you placed an order for services, you'll receive a separate email once they are activated, please note our crons run every five minutes. Thank you for choosing {company.name}! That way you should limit the support tickets from clients asking when their service will be active.
  23. oh, you might want to reply to the beta, I thought it checked modules and installed them and imported it over. Might be in the next version of the importer: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/960-whmcs-migrator-beta-updated-2013-11-12/ Captcha for tickets, I don't believe there is yet, you can request it in the feature request forums, I'd support you on it.
  24. You just need the order form to be set to automatically accept orders. on the order form untick the section saying manually approve orders. Then they should provision on the cron after the payment. Crons run a minimum of 5 minutes which you can edit in the settings. So if someone places a order at 18:11 they would have to wait until 18:15/18:16 for it to be activated. If you use paypal if the payment don't mark the invoices paid you will need to update your IPN callback url to: http://yourdomain.com/callback/gw/paypal_payments_standard/ eg: http://billing.cubicwebs.com/callback/gw/paypal_payments_standard/
  25. Yeah the solusVM information and the support ticket data will be imported with the importer itself.
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