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Everything posted by Michael

  1. I've not had that when editing a cPanel account, because I had to do that to get my customers services added when we moved to Blesta. Otherwise it would have tried to add it to WHM and then fail with a error.
  2. After the due date, it would be suspended accordantly to your settings in Settings > Billing / Payment > Invoice and Charge Options > Suspend Services Days After Due
  3. Thanks mate haha it's the invoices icon as I couldn't find a speech bubble or something in the 32 folder. Maybe: Yeah maybe if possible, you know Blesta has the boxes to move from right to left, maybe something like that, where you can select eg: Textbox Email textbox TextArea And after it saves you see a mockup of the form, you can then edit the labels. Then maybe they get sent into a table and viewable from a sub-menu. Tools > Contact us Or if that's not possible, just the basics .
  4. Yeah maybe like this mockup mate : But with a form like the submit a ticket, however no department and maybe we can get a tab under tools called contact us submits and they have to complete a recaptcha or areyouahuman section before the form is submitted.
  5. Michael

    Release 3.1.2

  6. It is on their list but it's not public yet, you can view it at: http://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-935 when it's public.
  7. Yeah but the integration means it picks the header and footer code and replaces the Blesta ones.
  8. He posted something about the live chat for ideas or something I did come across it, but since I am a distributor and can't post really anything which could be classed as self-advertising (Even without a signature shown) I didn't reply to it. Google search: Blesta Live Chat coming soon for free - Hosting Software and ... www.webhostingtalk.com › ... › Hosting Software and Control Panels‎ 2 posts - ‎2 authors Hello to all. What do you think about this new Plugin coming soon for Blesta called Blesta Live Chat? You can seeit on Blesta Forum on "The Marketplace"
  9. That's bear being bear, didn't even let you off go and reply what paul said, ask for the other Admin (Dennis Johnson called SoftWareRevue), who is much nicer.
  10. Do you have the file under UTF-8 encoding or something down that line?
  11. Michael

    Release 3.1.2

    Yes I believe so, just take a backup just in case.
  12. They are WHM** powered now mate nothing we can do about it.
  13. I'm not really sure.
  14. There's always this: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1700-blesta-wordpress-bridge/
  15. Yeah but that's what was attacked on another system, but a upgrade manually I hope will be option like: Update Settings: [ ] Stable release [ ] Beta relsease ---------------------- [ ] Update Automatically [ ] Update Manually. If you select Manually you just click the update button, but a warning shows up under system settings that a update is available.
  16. This is coming soon, which is why there's a option in the settings, however it's a hard thing for them to do securely so it will take them a while to implant it. You may have heard that someone could hack another billing system by using the updater. I believe they will be using the same system like their licensing module which uses keys.
  17. Really? What did you do wrong? Also this is my infractions: The contribution forum link was because the op was looking for a free Blesta theme.
  18. yeah he has a license he stated that to me on WHT somewhere. But i'm not sure about his forum name here.
  19. You have to be careful what you post about Blesta, and if you slate WHM** else you will get warning or infracted by Bear. The reason they normally put is "Signature spam (Posts perceived to be made only to show a signature.)"
  20. Bear's got a grudge over Blesta that's all it is on that note, we've been infracted / warned more times than anything. What I was talking about is this.. If people who are your customers can't understand between a invoice needs paying and the renew date is when the next invoice is due, well your not aiming at a market who can understand bills / payments / and webhosting.
  21. You're targeting the wrong market then mate remember 100+ customers with me are for shared hosting until the sale has been done.
  22. The thing is, when you see a invoice you see the following: Date Billed | Date Due 17/03/2014 | 22/03/2014 And the product line says: Date renews 22 April 2014 Now to someone with common sense will go, ok the renew date says next month, the invoice is due this month, I better pay it else I could get suspended. Now I might be just one to think this, however none of my customers have had any issues or contacted me about the dates, so I would say only a few people in the world would get confused because you can see it clear as daylight. But I do know it would be nice to see it change after it's paid to make it easier.
  23. I've not had a issue, but I suppose it's confusing so could be better if it did run off the invoices paid date. So I would say it a feature request and not really a bug because that's how Blesta was designed to work.
  24. I thought cPanel DNS only was for external nameservers which connect to a cPanel server to share the nameservers between a server cluster? Like Server 1 and Server 2 use the same nameservers.
  25. +1, would be a nice addition to Blesta.
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