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Everything posted by Michael

  1. It will work on 3.1.3 mate it's just fixes the licensing files which aren't changed in 3.1.3
  2. To set up Tax it will be under Settings > Companies > Taxes (That will set up the Tax for merchant gateways). Then go to Settings > Companies > Taxes > Tax Rules > Set up your % etc. There's not a iDeal gateway yet, however you can fill in a feature request for it. You can't see the marketplace on the Blesta itself as it's not completed (Settings > System > Marketplace) however you can on the forum, you just need to be logged in as far as I know.
  3. I wonder if there could be a section on the SolusVM module manage page where it auto grabs the OS filenames with a field next to it say the left, where you can put a Label for each one which Blesta uses instead?
  4. Is it a new install? If so try re-installing the Universal Module. If it's not check your Label and name for the Universal Module product.
  5. Hello you need a group call it Extras or addons (under the addon section), select the packages which you want it to show under, I put it on Shared Hosting. Then go to make a product, call it "Dedicated IP" ensure you save it to the new group. Job done but it has to be issued manually it's not automatic.
  6. I've not tried this but you can try this if you wish before Tyson, Cody and Paul come on who can help much better. In that file you need to change lines 1994 Add echo $e->getMessage(); echo $e->getTraceAsString(); die;
  7. Blesta uses the securer Json api's
  8. I believe what your looking for will need to be added to the module itself.
  9. You're using the WHM** importer? If you are you need to edit the whm** importer files
  10. You need to edit the whmcs/5.2 files /plugins/import_managers/components/migrators/whmcs/5.2/whmcs5_2.php
  11. It's public mate, well for me anyway and I don't have a account lol
  12. Sorry, I wasn't targeting you personally or saying your their's anything wrong with your module because without you guys (Developers) we wouldn't have any cool modules, but it's your responsibility if something is wrong with the module. If it is a Blesta issue then you'll need to talk to the guys, not the clients or Blesta part on it. However I've not had any issues on my installations with any module that I currently use. And I had to use the modules without the box ticked before and worked fine. If it is a Blesta issue I apologies and take my comments back but from experience on my install, I've not had any issues.
  13. You can edit the default folder, just copy everything in it eg: /app/views/client/default-3.1.2 and then edit the /default/ files.
  14. Michael

    Release 3.1.2

    I don't believe a module has been done for ISPManager yet.
  15. I don't have any issues with cPanel, cPanel Extended, InterWorx on my installation
  16. Yep it is, because I remember the first post, didn't see bears reply though.
  17. I'm lazy, I only post here if I know it will help others, but I don't technically look for bugs.
  18. You can download PDF copies anytime you like by clicking view on the client area view.
  19. They should import however it depends what registrar they are with, the only ones supported is a Logicboxes registrar (ResellerClub, NetEarthOne & ResellBiz) or Namecheap or Enom. Otherwise I think they will just assign to the Universal module, but I don't have experience with importing domains with their new importer. I just re-did the ones customers used myself.
  20. I personally think this would be pointless, just because I don't see why you need it, if it was for Plugin / modules / gateway developers to submit a easy list of their bug change report, that might be interesting.
  21. They are per customer only. No-one else except the admin and the customer can see files on their account.
  22. not a import to import to one company yet, there's one being done soon by Eric for myself which will be allowed for everyone... you can however import to each company (1 company for WHM**, 1 company for Hostbill). The Importer for Hostbill hasn't been done yet, I think they need a SQL file or something to help them.
  23. Yeah hopefully the guys can see if they can copy it, but the module developed by third partys are not Blesta's issues, they are down to the module developers.. If they've made a bug or just bad coding.
  24. But then as cody said, I could pay that on 1.4.2014 and it would then say 1.4.2016 and not the proper date. even though you paid for the service probably.
  25. It's currently not public at the moment: http://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-387
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