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Everything posted by Michael

  1. I used the above fixes on a customers installation and got these errors: [0] => The import completed but the following errors ocurred: [1] => importInvoices: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away on line 124 [2] => importTransactions: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens on line 124 [3] => importPackages: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens on line 124 [4] => importServices: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens on line 124 [5] => importSupportDepartments: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens on line 124 [6] => importSupportTickets: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens on line 124 [7] => importMisc: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens on line 124 Just to let you know and if there's a bug it can be fixed, I'm probably going to move bits manually.
  2. Yeah you can post it here or the show off forums and it's a nice layout just the images on the slider look a bit blurry mate.
  3. Happy Easter to you too mate.
  4. That's weird, I've never experienced that before, I would recommend waiting for the guys to be in the office to help you mate.
  5. Did you move it after you activated the license key mate? If you did it needs to be re-issued to save the new location.
  6. Hello mate, If you go to the database do this: settings >> Search Tab >> key == root_web_dir and then submit you should see the file root and you can then edit that.
  7. You can get a plugin to do the XML file for you or a CSV file Eric did one for us to export the customers informations you could get it custom one to get the required information. Or you will need to do it manaully at the moment. I'm not sure what you mean sorry when you say statements but with Blesta anything is possible.
  8. Yes it's alphabetical for me except a few French ones but that's due to their region I believe.
  9. Yes however I believe the selected link will show as the Selected box.
  10. It's recommended mate to install a fresh install, and backup the clean database so you can re-import it instantly.
  11. It was working for me in 3.1.3. I don't use it any-more.
  12. Yeah haha is there a way for us to do it soon so for dark bits like footer go grey and if it's light it shows the coloured one
  13. Oh yes Booty Yum and also I see the new feature you have mate *cough* colour changing logos haha
  14. They use the Blesta theme colours so you can edit them via the style changer as far as I know.
  15. Wicked mate So sexy as always.
  16. People can download a invoice in PDF by logging in their client area and clicking view. As for the API most of it can be done through the SDK API you can contact Eric (In the marketplace forum) for custom development.
  17. Do you have any pictures mate what it looks like?
  18. Sorry the link and the ) didn't save Eric is a great developer you can find this thread in the marketplace forum, I spoke to Paul about this thead, so it might be included in the future but the guys will know more about this.
  19. Not yet, there's another thread located at here (http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1366-freeradius/) it as-well.
  20. Blesta is a software people want to know about it first and see more about it. Webhosting is your product. If you look at my competitor LicensePal, they have prices right in front of you.
  21. I completely agree with Paul, the first thing you see on any site I've done is Navigation then prices then pictures. On my new site, it's Nav, Slider (Preview of what you can buy) then prices, then content below it. In a shop, sweets and news papers and everything you probably don't need but probably will buy is near the checkout (Tills) to try and get you to buy them.
  22. Not possible would take a lot of re-coding.
  23. In 3.x something the client can upgrade their packages themselves. so that will help you.
  24. 1.) Pick which one is nicer I like bits of both layouts. 2.) Which you think is the themforest template. First one. 3.) Any suggestions you have. The nav from layout 1, then the rest from layout 2, footer from layout 1 (Dark one) and I think you'd have a great layout mate.
  25. On the module when people are ordering they don't reliase that the country section needs to be GB or US or FR and not United Kingdom or United States or France. So I was thinking a dropdown with the selection saying GB - United Kingdom | US - United States | FR - France and the value is from the API country list. Just a little improvement to help customers when they are ordering else we get a creation error . Temp Fix: components/modules/thesslstore/language/en_us/thesslstore.php Find: $lang['TheSSLStore.service_field.thesslstore_country'] = "Country"; Replace with: $lang['TheSSLStore.service_field.thesslstore_country'] = "Country Code eg: GB - United Kingdom";
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