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Everything posted by Michael

  1. I don't believe there's a limit on transfers.
  2. If your a Direct customer to Blesta, you can get it from the download manager on account.blesta.com if your license is from a reseller it's up-to them.
  3. Yeah can't wait for this can get a bit of profit in haha
  4. I think that might take up too much space, you could however I suppose have a tool tip on the client number.
  5. Sounds good, so you have a link to their API(s) for the guys to have a look at?
  6. Easy mistake mate, I've done that before myself
  7. You can get a copy however it is sent to your admin account (Your other admins can also get a email). Settings > System > Staff > Staff groups > administrators (edit) > Notices > tick boxes. My Info > Notices > tick the box. I use it for issues and orders / payments.
  8. I believe you are looking for this file: /components/modules/interworx/views/default/tab_stats.pdt
  9. Nope not yet they are going to improve the coupon system in the future but it will be a big change. We also had this thread here with some ideas http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/993-coupons-per-tier/?p=12891
  10. Michael


    Check your port it should be 2087.
  11. Sorry you need /components/modules/interworx/views/default/manage.pdt
  12. Yeah I like APF mate on there until a integration for csf is there, I'm lazy haha.
  13. 3.3 haha
  14. I don't use cPanel and I don't have a hosting brand anymore
  15. Michael

    Order Button

    Would you like me to have a look with you? If you do, do you have teamviewer? If you don't you can download our Licensecart Quick Support which doesn't need installing, etc.
  16. You need to edit this file to edit the service row section: /components/modules/interworx/views/default/client_service_info.pdt <table class="table"> <tr class="heading_row"> <td class="fixed_small center border_none"><span class="paymnt_arrow"></span></td> <td class="border_left"><?php $this->_("Interworx.service_info.email");?></td> <td><?php $this->_("Interworx.service_info.password");?></td> <td><?php $this->_("Interworx.service_info.server");?></td> <td class="last"><?php $this->_("Interworx.service_info.options");?></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><?php $this->Html->_($service_fields->interworx_email);?></td> <td><?php $this->Html->_($service_fields->interworx_password);?></td> <td><?php $this->Html->_($module_row->meta->host_name);?></td> <td><a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe("http" . (isset($module_row->meta->use_ssl) && $module_row->meta->use_ssl == "false" ? "" : "s") . "://" . $this->Html->ifSet($module_row->meta->host_name) . ":" . $module_row->meta->port . "/siteworx/?domain=" . $service_fields->interworx_domain);?>" target="_blank"><?php $this->_("Interworx.service_info.option_login");?></a></td> </tr> </table>
  17. Michael

    Order Button

    Have you added the packages to the group? Packages > Bottom move group from right to left > Save
  18. Everything for a module is in the module file I think you're looking for the views /components/modules/interworx/views/ mate.
  19. Would be a nice feature however would take some time so maybe in the future.
  20. Nope the manage page is for other bits like statistics and other tabs like re-issue when you click the service row you get your account details. Same on cPanel and other modules.
  21. Doesn't pick up the module sadly mate. I've also had to add tlds due to them not being on in the list yet I'm not sure if the tlds have any special requirements though. Get code: http://licensecart.com/blesta/internetbs.txt Replace: /components/modules/internetbs/config/internetbs.php
  22. Shush lol
  23. Splended thanks mate, i had to do the import on FreshRoastedHosting, under RebornWebs importStaff ----------------- importStaff took: 0.7525 seconds ----------------- importClients ----------------- importClients took: 0.4791 seconds ----------------- importContacts ----------------- importContacts took: 0.0003 seconds ----------------- importTaxes ----------------- importTaxes took: 0.0003 seconds ----------------- importCurrencies ----------------- importCurrencies took: 0.0082 seconds ----------------- importInvoices ----------------- importInvoices took: 3.6063 seconds ----------------- importTransactions ----------------- importTransactions took: 3.5111 seconds ----------------- importPackages ----------------- importPackages took: 0.3204 seconds ----------------- importServices ----------------- importServices took: 0.2939 seconds ----------------- importSupportDepartments ----------------- importSupportDepartments took: 0.4217 seconds ----------------- importSupportTickets ----------------- importSupportTickets took: 0.4617 seconds ----------------- importMisc ----------------- mail log took: 1.6071 seconds settings took: 0.0151 seconds calendar events took: 0.0002 seconds importMisc took: 1.6672 seconds ----------------- decrypted 79 values using WHMCS' custom algorithm decrypt took: 0.0022 seconds total time took: 11.5232 seconds
  24. It is Blesta mate what more can we say haha.
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