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Everything posted by Michael

  1. What I was going by was: /home/user/public_html/secure/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php: line 2: /bin: is a directory /home/user/public_html/secure/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php: line 3: bin: command not found I don't think your path to php is /usr/bin/php but something else unless when you added the forwarding the php was missing from it.
  2. It might be looking for the php in the wrong folder. /usr/bin/php /home/user/public_html/secure/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/1/ Try finding the location for your php and change the first bit of the command.
  3. Looks like pipe.php isn't in that folder, have a look if it isn't you can get it from the files ensure you get the hashbang right and chmod the file with 0777
  4. You can edit your .htaccess on cPanel or make a Pointer Domain on InterWorx.
  5. V2 was amazing, v3 is amazing, the mass mailer will be here in 3.3 v2 is beautiful but yes 3.x is all new code (fresh code) so it takes a while to get going again Haha thanks, Paul's idea, my domain lol
  6. What it is, is because they are limited at the moment for changes. With that they are going to make coupons more friendly and advanced.
  7. This is the reason the license is per IP / Domain / Folder location
  8. Not yet it's coming in 3.3 under CORE-621. Please use the search feature. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1651-mass-emails/?hl=mass+email http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1243-mass-emailing-clients-how-to-request/?hl=mass+email
  9. So we can't buy the module? lol
  10. Edit the following file: /components/modules/logicboxes/config/logicboxes.php
  11. Michael

    Change Paypal Buttons

    You're welcome just remember it will get over-written when upgrading.
  12. Michael

    Change Paypal Buttons

    Please go to /components/gateways/nonmerchant/paypal_payments_standard/views/default/process.pdt Edit the pictures there with the new one $button_url = $recurring ? "RECURRING IMAGE" : "NORMAL CHECK OUT";
  13. Michael

    Change Paypal Buttons

    It's the official button from PayPal the only thing wrong about it is the new branding isn't on it. You can edit it by edit the templates to a button but it's official. Solution Graphics Let your customers know that you accept credit cards and other payment options through PayPal. https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/bnr/horizontal_solution_PPeCheck.gif Their new one is: https://www.paypal.com/uk/webapps/mpp/logo-center
  14. Not a bug it's just how it saves. text is text so blank spaces are removed. on html blank lines become <br>.
  15. Michael

    Release 3.2.0-B2

    Nope you can use any PHP, however for php5.5 you need to use the hotfix included.
  16. Michael

    Release 3.2.0-B2

    Lovely release guys.
  17. Myself and Paul was talking about the demo and I ended up buying a cool domain, which now will allow users to see both 2.5 and 3.2 in action. I'll keep an eye on it and will update the 3.2.x to any beta's that come out so you can try them out if you don't have a license direct with Blesta. visit: http://licensedemo.com/
  18. Well the Blesta guys are developing one but they are re-writing (editing) the domain side to make it much better for everyone and I believe OpenSRS is going to be released with it.
  19. no that would mean you charge the price If you put: 24 | month | price they will pay that price for 24 months until the next 24 months. You're best off doing: 1 | month | price and when a year has gone, email them if they want to re-new the contract or cancel them. It would be a good feature request to allow term time.
  20. They hate us don't they mate, haha, but like Matt joining the old forum....
  21. Hello mate not sure if you'll get a email about this, do you have the link to buy it?
  22. It's per installation I believe so yes as-long as you have them on the main license. I could be wrong but I believe that I'm right lol.
  23. Oh yeah there's no changes to the client view, my mistake
  24. Mate you should have two download links: 3.1.x: download link 3.2.x Beta: download link. Some people won't be migrating over yet so you'll loose a customer base.
  25. That would be good but I bet it would take a while and would be in beta itself.
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