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Everything posted by Michael

  1. The thing is mate, the Proxmox module wasn't developed by Blesta themselves directly, so they will probably fix it all up when they can but it works which is the main thing.
  2. I was thinking maybe a feed reader tabs, so you can select which one is default and see different feeds without having a full page probably limited to 5 tabs? So here the default is all, but in the cog, I can select Blesta as the default feed to show up for myself.
  3. Can you check the module logs (Tools > Logs > Module logs > Namecheap > (click row should see two boxes)
  4. You can use the Support Manager Pro which allows you to delete tickets / Spam protection if you set it as spam. However the only way to block spam is with your Spam Filter.
  5. Do you own your own server that you host on? If not contact your host. Because the reason you are getting it is due to either: - Fake emails to submit tickets - Your emails are being blocked by the receiver's server. I use InterWorx and haven't had one for ages, but I have the spam limit to 4, after the spam rating hits 4 or higher the emails are rejected. cPanel: http://forums.cpanel.net/f5/mailer-daemon-27057.html
  6. May help us if you told us what server you have mate?
  7. That would be a nice feature request...
  8. You could merge but have to cope with the same prices for the domains until it's out as it's going to be hard for them to update it yet.
  9. You're welcome, their documents are still in development mate, they've been a bit busy with 3.2.x beta.
  10. They are sorting this out soon mate. They are re-doing the domain system into it's own section to have a table for register / transfer / renew prices. That's when the openSRS module will come out hopefully.
  11. It's under Packages > Create a package (Or edit if you have one) I've made a small video for you to see how to: http://screencast.com/t/w1lkxv5u
  12. Michael

    Text At Boxes

    Sorry that's normally Group name - Package name I believe.
  13. Michael

    Text At Boxes

    You'd have to edit the template files to edit that. /plugins/order/views/templates/wizard/language/en_us/summary.php $lang['Summary.index.heading_summary'] = "Order Summary";
  14. Michael

    Text At Boxes

    In the Description you need to ensure they are in paragraphs: <p> Monthly recurring license.</p> <p> Full support from Licensecart.</p> <p> Free updates for your license.</p> <p> Powered by Blesta & copyright line.</p>
  15. He want's the customer to sign that they have read it like a legal document using E-Signature you can't do that yet.
  16. Would be a great feature, and it gets encrypted in the database. Not sure how that would go about though. HelloSign has it: https://www.hellosign.com/ and they have a API but you are charged from $99 per month (https://www.hellosign.com/api/pricing) Sertifi has it: http://www.sertifi.com/ (API: http://sertifi.com/corp/request-sandbox) Right Signature has it: https://rightsignature.com/ ( API: https://rightsignature.com/api ) AgreeNSign: https://www.agreensign.com/ (API: https://www.agreensign.com/api/v1/documentation.pdf) The only open-sourced software is: http://open.esignforms.com/ (https://code.google.com/p/openesignforms/)
  17. I dowt it? Why do you need them in more than one?
  18. Welcome to the family (community).
  19. yes mate you can fully customise them by adding html / etc. If you log in you can see the other 3 types of order forms
  20. Michael

    Change Paypal Buttons

    You're welcome, personally I've not had a single client asking how to pay Paulov but it would be nice to have Blesta buttons but it's ok as it is I believe.
  21. Michael

    Release 3.2.0-B2

    DO you have a backup? Because you need your blesta.php file with your database information / AES Key.
  22. Yes I was talking about if the Support Manager Pro replaced the Support Manager, I don't want everything you have in it. I personally liked the old one maybe the add client but everything else is clutter for myself who likes basic However you've got a nice module which loads use .
  23. Michael

    Release 3.2.0-B2

    Ensure your blesta.php is there in the config folder.
  24. Because this is a third party which is crammed full of features, I used it back in the day but it's a bit over the top now personally so if it was in the core I would: 1. not be able to upgrade to the new versions. 2. offer support to my customers.
  25. Try re-forwarding it, remember that this is email > forwarding > advanced > pipe to program.
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