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Everything posted by Michael

  1. I love that now too
  2. On your packages ensure you don't include tax.
  3. Ensure the order forms have the gateways selected, and also check the currencies on the gateways.
  4. That's the aim haha wait for 3.3 you'd never go back to 3.2 or 3.1 haha. And I love Blesta and I do my best to help people get used to it is because we are a great community and it helps expand it too. In a few years you might be helping people as-well .
  5. Yeah they will work on 3.2 like 3.1
  6. You're welcome to have a browse at http://licensedemo.com if you would like to know more about it before you take the plunge.
  7. Requirements: 3.2.0 b3 Copyright: IPBoard (Based on IPBoard's colours) Admin Area Previews: Client Area Previews: Download Link: http://license.club/blesta/IPBlesta.zip
  8. Yes settings > system > staff > de-activate
  9. Do you have any pictures or a screencast video so we can see what's happening mate?
  10. Have a word with Paul and he'll up it for us, You can link images aka image -> url i use that a lot to save my space. Nice module mate, maybe can you have the buttons in 4s [ ---- 4 ---- ] [ ---- 4 ---- ] [ ---- 4 ---- ] cPanel - PHPmyAdmin - Webmail or: [ ---- 3 ---- ] [ ---- 3 ---- ] [ ---- 3 ---- ] [ ---- 3 ---- ] cPanel - PHPmyAdmin - Webmail - WHM
  11. Any previews mate?
  12. Yes you need to overwrite the files, be carefull though, pipe.php if you use it needs 0777 after, maybe hashbang'd. If you edited structure.pdt keep a copy. If you edited the routes to ensure you change them before you do anything. Ensure you run /upgrade/ after the files have been overwritten. AND Please BACKUP your files / database just in case.
  13. I use it on my billing area, I always upgrade to Beta's it helps find live bugs and also shows our customers how much we believe in the product and the great team behind it. It also helps get the clients used to the area.
  14. You can use both, but not for the same service / package. It depends on the version your using.
  15. If your up for it you can upgrade to Beta 3.2.x b3 or you can wait for the stable which shouldn't be long.
  16. No the import works but a client's host was awful
  17. Michael

    Release 3.2.0-B3

    They don't do patches for Beta's.
  18. I imported a client over to Blesta from 5.3. I had to make a few changes though, the issues we had was his provider couldn't ensure the crons worked.
  19. Haha thanks mate not long after the 3.2.0 b3 release
  20. Michael

    Registry Question

    Probably the child nameservers are wrong.
  21. Requirements: 3.2.0 b3 Copyright: Blesta (Based on Blesta's Booty) Previews: Download Link: http://license.club/blesta/theme-booty.json (Right click and save to your computer)
  22. Some are private as they have certain notes or screenshots which have important information on.
  23. Michael

    Release 3.2.0-B3

    I really do love Blesta roll on the release and then 3.3
  24. A bounty is normally for security issues, which Blesta doesn't have. Modules can be made by anyone and sold on to customers from your website (marketplace) or if Blesta are looking for it might buy it from you.
  25. Yeah maybe they could have a button to select which 4 extra tabs gets shown up, the rest will be in the All tab
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