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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Menu you need to clear your cache, go to your blesta install see the cache folder inside that, remove the 1 folder. Or you can re-save your staff group.
  2. That's cool mate, any chance you could do a version where the box is as one but the clouds at the top?
  3. It's not expected however it only happens to a few people, and it depends on different things: - Imports - Clock times don't match server - New installations and cron hasn't run - Cron fails and needs to wait - other things.
  4. Yes it's based on the core module but so is the Support Manager Pro. It gives people a choice and would be nice on the marketplace. I dowt it will be added as a core product.
  5. It's not really a bug and it just fixes itself. It pops up randomly.
  6. Could you rename it to Logicboxes Reloaded not Logicboxes please I think that would be better so people can try both .
  7. Yes you can soon not sure when though, well we did discuss it at 3.0.x beta. They are hoping to add another method in 3.3 I believe so maybe then since that version is a small version aimed at invoices. But you can't at the moment.
  8. I managed to get my GoGetSSL today and I've not had any issues connecting first time. Video: http://screencast.com/t/Y5GZxDBI God they do take forever, I applied the day you posted the issue.
  9. This might help people who want to design a theme first before putting it live on Blesta. Not the best or official but will help a few people Download file: http://license.club/blesta/BlestaThemes.psd
  10. Ensure your setting are like this on: /settings/company/billing/invoices/
  11. I personally think Bootstrap 2 is conflicting with Bootstrap 3.
  12. yes as in my video everything worked fine
  13. Looks like it's missing some files, try re-uploading the files.
  14. That wont work.
  15. Yes a invoice per day.
  16. Sounds like a Softaculous cPanel bug to me.
  17. Weird I don't get that, however I'm using Softaculous on InterWorx and I get that pesky connection timed out error I seem to always get lol that's normal for me as I have a unstable line it can happen. Video: http://screencast.com/t/RdyMT7bQYZs4 Softaculous does however have a new installation page, before you had to install it, then go and install it on the /install/ page not it's a one page install.
  18. That error isn't very helpful sorry mate, did you get that error on Softaculous or on Blesta? Print screens can help
  19. Doesn't match
  20. One of my favourite themes so far well done. Not sure about the orange logo though lol.
  21. I think they don't want the responsive layout lol.
  22. Sounds like a great idea, anything to help make peoples life's easier. +1
  23. Try uploading 3.1.4 full files.
  24. Since your upgrading to 3.1.0 from 3.0.x you need to upgrade using the Full files overwriting everything. Then run /upgrade/
  25. Yes a option to enable a option would be nice under General on company settings.
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