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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Oh yeah that's fine too and folders are 0755? it varies for control panels sorry
  2. Michael

    Subdomain Url

    Do you have the .htaccess in the folder?
  3. Weird :s try permissions in the /plugin/billing_overview should all be 0666 (files) and 02755 (folders)
  4. How did you overwrite the files? FTP mate? Just wondering if a file for the billing plugin didn't get uploaded probably?
  5. He's typing in the colour or copying and pasting in the text box itself not using the colour picker.
  6. Ok not sure the guys will be best to help you as I've only used LogicBoxes resellers, which automatically register an account on the reseller for the customer and after payment puts the domain pending unless there's account credit. Why is Enom registering domains if you have no money on it? It personally sounds like a Enom issue but I'm not 100% sure.
  7. Oh yeah that's normal, you mean they register the client on your enom account not they register the domain, that happens on ever reseller module for most billing systems. The old one I used did the same.
  8. If you have credit on your Enom account, and a domain has been paid for it should process it automatically (Or process and be in pending payment on Enom), if you want to stop that you can manually approve orders. Packages > Order form > Edit > Tick: Require Manual Review and Approval of All Orders That should make you manually approve them beforehand. So you can add credit then activate the order.
  9. Try removing Cloudflare see if it is that causing it, because I've not seen this issue before :s PS: is your order page url supposed to link to nothing or have you set a default order form?
  10. You're welcome, if that doesn't work disable cloudflare to see if that solves it.
  11. Try removing the 1. NOT This: http://accounts.hosthallam.com/callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard/ But this: http://accounts.hosthallam.com/callback/gw/paypal_payments_standard/ See if that fixes it for you mate.
  12. Ok mate that's fine look at my pictures and ensure they are exact, maybe turn off cloudflare if they do look the same. PS: you don't need https:// http:// will work fine. PS: you don't need a Page Layout either. The best way to check is go to your IPN url it should show this even though nothing is going though: /customers/pay/received/ Thank You! Your payment is being processed.
  13. Weird do you have teamviewer so I can come and see what you see on both paypal and Blesta and see how it's set up so I can see if I can help you. If yes please open two tabs first one with your My profile on PayPal and your settings page.
  14. I think it is Cloudflare, check the logs on Blesta 3.x please. Tools > Logs > Gateways and show input and output here please remove any sensitive information. Also check if the payment was applied in Blesta for us please.
  15. Haha just like me, I do agree it would be nicer if it did but that's what the colour changer is for I suppose so we use that but you never know
  16. Fantastic and a great theme uploads to my installation Thank you Danny I did put this for the highlight colour though not the blue: #f8e8fc
  17. Try going to it... I can't get on it nor can Sitemeer.com: http://sitemeer.com/#7tags.com and that is why it's not being accepted. Oops, 7tags.com appears to be down As stated above Blesta does a DNS query (Does it resolve?)
  18. By the blue bits do you mean the header? That is called: Page Content Header Background Color. After that I would say that is sexy
  19. Looks beautiful mate, well done
  20. I love them idea we used something on our old billing system and when I asked them about Blesta they said there's not enough demand hopefully one pops up because it is very nice
  21. Michael

    Whois Guard

    I believe in the revamped module you'll be able to activate this and set a price whether you charge for it or not, and it will show up under addons automatically and use the API's to activate it.
  22. This, the domain is checked to ensure it's valid (Nice feature in my opinion), this protects against spam and scams too.
  23. Yeah that happens but that's why I put everything in and click save. it shows up then I would say this is a good feature request if you opened one mate.
  24. Not sure how that would work but maybe a special template for right to left?
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