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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Love it mate well done
  2. not sure lol but the same developers and still insecure
  3. zPanel rebranded mate to Sentora.
  4. Blesta has already got a insecure control panel supported called CentosWebPanel, I really don't want Blesta to waste their time to support another insecure pile of crap. Blesta - Secure Sentora - Insecure (way insecure they use Suhosin to protect them). http://forums.sentora.org/announcements.php?aid=1 | http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?p=9399137 CentosWebPanel - Insecure (according to security researchers) http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1533898&p=9589180#post9589180 |
  5. That would make the database massive though and confusing to browse? I haven't had any issues with multi-company people just have one username for one and another for the other.
  6. You could try Eric's plugin: https://github.com/anzenehansen/BlestaPlugin-multi-account-login (bit old though)
  7. Yes they can have two accounts but as it's the same system they can't have the same username.
  8. Like a dropdown: [V1.2.0] download
  9. Michael

    Email piping issue

    You're supposed to pipe to this Chris mate: /usr/local/bin/php /home/user/public_html/index.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/1/
  10. have a look at https://bootsnipp.com for some plan types and nav bars mate.
  11. add &coupon=Codehere
  12. We did but mistakes happen in life. Unless you are a computer you can't get everything and a bit of politeness doesn't cost money, he didn't even give us a chance if you look at this thread time and the ticket. The thread was posted at 04:58 PM GMT. Ticket Open time: 4:59PM GMT. I always look at the customers side in the system and on the forum if it's a customer but common courtesy is required when talking to people.
  13. not in his ticket if I went by his account profile yes but we migrated from Licensecart so it could have been a missing BlestaCMS license.
  14. ok so we pay Blesta on the old terms grandfathered in and have a few invoices open and I need to pay it off. We also have a new account which is on the new terms. Since the client mentions my reply I'll post the screens here to show what I'm on about. Onto the ticket the client mentioned the CMS so I assumed as Michael said it was the BlestaCMS license which was playing up and I didn't find it on his account. I asked politely if he had a license and we missed it when migrating. He replied with: I replied back with: And then didn't hear a thing until this thread was brought to my attention. If it wasn't fixed I could have issued a new license but we never got that far.
  15. Save a whopping 66% off the LIFETIME BlestaCMS license using coupon code: "VOU2017CMS2007"! Social media's 12hour early special deal... Deal is also valid at Licensecart.com.
  16. Thanks I've cancelled the license and closed your account for you Anirban, you said CMS license... which wasn't what the license was and I was being nice and you just was throwing the attitude about. Good luck with BuycPanel.
  17. Have you changed anything in the structure.pdt? or use CloudFlare? as it works for me: https://blesta.store/client/plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/add/5/ on the footer change the language.
  18. Download the zip Extract zip in the Blesta root move the files from public_html to the root of Blesta Settings > Company > Localisation > languages > Install
  19. Hi mate you need an account with account.blesta.com and then you can log in to marketplace.blesta.com and post your themes. If you don't have one DM / email Paul at sales@.
  20. Please contact your provider with both hostnames so Blesta can ensure the license has both hostnames on.
  21. Hi there just upload everything inside public_html to your Blesta root so plugins merges with the Blesta plugins folder etc.
  22. Sneaky devils they keep changing it per version I wonder if it's to wind people up or are they finally improving the encryption for passwords lol. but @RoboTekHost Welcome to Blesta.
  23. it's encoded I believe just 4 or 3 files though.
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