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Everything posted by Michael

  1. make restricted packages I believe.
  2. Well not sure which one you are on about in the Invoice (Unpaid) I have this: Hi {contact.first_name}, An invoice has been created for your account and is attached to this email in PDF format. {% for invoice in invoices %} Invoice #: {invoice.id_code} {% if autodebit %}{% if invoice.autodebit_date_formatted %}Auto debit is enabled for your account, so we'll automatically process the card you have on file on {invoice.autodebit_date_formatted} unless payment has been applied sooner.{% else %}If you would like us to automatically charge your card, login to your account at http://{client_url} to set up auto debit.{% endif %}{% else %}If you would like us to automatically charge your card, login to your account at http://{client_url} to set up auto debit.{% endif %} Pay Now (No login required) {% endfor %} If you have any questions about your invoice, please let us know! This is the default Blesta one.
  3. Which two order forms are you using mate?
  4. A customer thought the payments was recurring, but they aren't so I asked him if he would like me to make a subscription for him on Stripe. This was a confusing outcome and it charged him when it was made. He was ok with it however I was thinking can we have a option to offer recurring subscriptions. Client clicks Subscription, then it creates a subscription on the Stripe customer account with the Package created through Blesta. Simple terms: Client makes a payment --> Checks package if it exists --> If not it will create it otherwise use it --> creates subscription --> Done.
  5. Where do you get your license from? As you may need the Blesta guys have a look at your system to see why it's not working.
  6. Remake one?
  7. Nope there will be an announcement for it.
  8. Fantastic guys keep the good work up
  9. Currently it's scheduled for 3.3 as CORE-1091 but it can change depending on how long it takes for it and for the 3.3 as it's a small faster release (Hopefully)
  10. at least we know Blesta is looking for that. Not sure why the order isn't redirecting though :s
  11. What does the url look like for the order it should be domain/client/index.php/order/
  12. Not at the moment however would be a nice feature request I think it was discussed before though not sure when or where the thread was, probably beta time.
  13. Try using FTP (Interworx file manager has a thing about not overwriting everything), upload all the 3.2 files as its a new version completely. then run /admin/upgrade/
  14. You need to give us more information as that's like saying the windows doesn't show the outside.. we need to know the following: - PHP version - Mysql version - Blesta version - subdomain or domain - control panel - Does the other links work? - Are you using .htaccess?
  15. sounds good as it is mate.
  16. Yes it is Universal Module and Configurable Options.
  17. I've not used it myself however Max is a great developer so I guarantee you won't regret it if you buy it.
  18. Michael

    Enom Status

    Blesta is 3.2 now you can register domains just that at the moment.
  19. that would be cool mate.
  20. I have to agree, when I hosted with my mate who used OVH's cheap brand we was down more times than I could have a cuppa tea.
  21. I'm not Australian, I'm British and you used PayPal as a example, I got the way to get it working on PayPal the way I have been doing it since 2010, and had no problems, It's the gateways problem not the billing system. Just because Virgin can make spaceships to get to the moon, doesn't mean British Airways, United Airlines, Air India has to as-well.
  22. Sure can you do that for me please.
  23. Michael

    Blesta 2.5

    Haha mate Blesta 2.5 3.x style.
  24. Weird do you have teamviewer so I can check your installation for you?
  25. Oh lol I bet you block other payments you don't accept that's why you have issues and I don't. https://www.paypal-community.com/t5/Merchant-services-Archive/Receive-money-in-INR-curreccy/m-p/201430/highlight/true#M3445 Again not a Blesta issue but a PayPal (Your side) issue.
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