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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Michael


    Go to NetEarthOne, Settings > API enter your IPs which your blesta is on. Go to the Modules page on Blesta, click LogicBoxes. Create a reseller connection ID: you get it from NEO, and the API Key is from the API page on NEO. Then go to the packages create one. Module: Logicboxes, select the one you want, then click the box next to the domain for the tld you want. Then make a order form, domain and other and save.
  2. Try this: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showpost.php?p=4715014&postcount=4
  3. You need to install the PHP-Mailparse pecl extension to your server to use piping. Do you use cPanel, InterWorx, etc or just apache.
  4. You should see this: Then on the support ensure you've done this on the staff:
  5. Not sure about this one mate, Two different clients cross-connecting tickets :s. I agree with the part about allowing more than one user to the tickets but I think that's the contacts on the account, which is coming soon to give you more power on what can see what.
  6. There is mate I use this template for ours: {ticket.details_html} To reply to this ticket, be sure to email {ticket.department_email} from the address we sent this notice to. You may also update the ticket in our support area at http://{update_ticket_url}. ---------------- Ticket ID: #{ticket.code} Priority: {ticket.priority} Status: {ticket.status} Last reply: {ticket.reply_by} Opened: {ticket.date_added} Ticket URL: {update_ticket_url} ---------------- If you mean the staff end you just reply to the email received and it will add it.
  7. You need to ensure you have permission to use the support module by staff usergroups. /settings/system/staff/groups/ Also ensure you have added staff via the: /plugin/support_manager/admin_staff/ Pipe is done via departments.
  8. You could do that but again not sure on the legal information behind it just ensure your customers know they get deducted fees but call it something else not fees else they could use the above against you.
  9. Michael


    Ensuring you get the dropdown type as Domain and other.
  10. The Blesta of control panels haha.
  11. If there was no modules installed something broke when installing, because in 3.2.x it will install the order plugin and a few others automatically. What control panel / server type are you using? Eg: cPanel / InterWorx / DirectAdmin and Apache, Nginx, etc.
  12. Well they bought it on themselves Also cPanel don't release security fixes asap, they wait and include it in a Monthly release. InterWorx was found out to be the fastest at fixing and releasing patches in a whitepaper by Rack911. http://files.rack911labs.com/whitepapers/RACK911_Labs_-_Year_In_Review-2013.pdf
  13. Please bare with us, we are sorting our domain out, depending on your cache, you might still be able to connect.

  14. +1 would be nice but they can get it when they log in
  15. Yeah probably a config option setting to pick the server group.
  16. Looks like a good investment.
  17. I believe he wants it to pick the right server per location, if you pick UK, you get a UK server.
  18. Yes they deduct it after the transaction was made, not charged for it, I think that bypasses the terms but I'm not 100% sure.
  19. I did think about that before but apparently it's against the PayPal / 2CO terms and conditions but a plugin can do that.
  20. Depends when your cron was set up to generate invoices. The crons run every 5 minutes and depends what time you set. Yes the cron is right and there's only one. Settings > Company > Automation > Create Invoice Paul beat me haha
  21. Michael

    Client Dashboard

    This could be the same bug here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2644-order-on-32-portal-gives-404-error/?p=19550
  22. Blesta Owned Unbranded WAS $175 NOW $150 [Coupon: BirthdayBlesta]

  23. Michael

    Email Notices

    The links for me link me to the payment page.
  24. That will work for any logicboxes script and nicely done maybe a plugin? lol
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