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Everything posted by Michael

  1. :s I've always thought in business you only do one transaction unless your refunding which you can mark it as a refund not record it.
  2. Why would you record a minus credit? why not just remove the transaction by marking it as void / error ?
  3. Ah ok I'm not familiar with Ubuntu, you can look at: http://www.sysadminworld.com/2012/how-to-install-ioncube-loader-on-ubuntu/ According to that Apache is called apache2.
  4. Is this a fresh installation with nothing on it? or have you got a site already on it? If you don't I recommend a fresh installation with Centos 6.5.
  5. What's your PHP version? php -v
  6. do you have bcmath function installed? What PHP version?
  7. Ok well this might help you mate: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-ioncube-loader I only have a quick way for InterWorx and cPanel has it built in easyApache.
  8. Hello are you using a control panel?
  9. There is Arabic it's only 22% completed though, you can help towards it if you want to http://translate.blesta.com/ You can click download and then upload to the lang folder.
  10. In: /config/blesta.php change Configure::errorReporting(0); to Configure::errorReporting(-1);
  11. Is there a way to fall back to have empty order-id's if there isn't one on Logicboxes if the "use module" box is unticked? And there's no invoices for these as they are paid services but with GoDaddy and Wild West domains mate.
  12. Yes we added it via the admin area and put it pending not using the module but it just spits an error out "Website not found for...." The domains itself aren't with a Logicbox provider yet but they will be transferred when they are being renewed mate. so at the moment it's making a lot of callbacks to Resellerclub every 5 minutes.
  13. Tyson mate if there a way to make the logicboxes provision them without using the module. At the moment it tries to get the order-ID / etc for the database but is there a way we can by-pass that feature and make it make empty rows. So Service-id = whatever key= Null? Thank you
  14. Please go to Mail > Forwarders > Add Forwarder > Advanced Options ยป Now go to the support department. Click on piping you should get something like this: /usr/bin/php /chroot/home/username/domain.com/html/billing/plugins/support_manager/pipe.php plugin/support_manager/ticket_pipe/index/2/ Please note mine is different as I use InterWorx not cPanel and I use Multi-company so you will get a 1 if you don't. Now you need to put that code in this section: Pipe to a Program now put the email address in the above (This is the email address you set in the support manager for the email field). Hope this helps you. PS: If that doesn't work try: /usr/local/bin/php instead of /usr/bin/php
  15. Hello the trial has the trial already been run on that domain? If so that's why, it's to stop people re-using the trial, please email sales[at]... or PM Paul on the forum and he will sort you out a trial when he's in the office in a few hours.
  16. Hello please email sales[at]... or PM Paul on the forum and he will get back to you in a few hours when he's in the office.
  17. Oh weird system.
  18. nor me I only know about rounding to the nearest penny or cent.
  19. Voted, good luck to the contestants.
  20. Incase you haven't found out how and if others are looking for this in the future: domainname.com/blestafolder/order/main/packages/order-form-name/?package_id={package_id}&group_id={group_id} Packages > Groups > click edit and look at the URL: /packages/editgroup/7/ so the group_id would be 7. Packages > Edit on the package and look at the url: /packages/edit/155/ so the package_id would be 155.
  21. Add a +1 from me too since a lot of people need it to get on the best system haha
  22. I believe it would, but Paul, Cody and Tyson can help you more.
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