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Everything posted by Michael

  1. oh that's weird there shouldn't be a username the email should be it. That username field would be best known as a nickname..
  2. I learned something new today I never knew that there was Metropolitan borough's.
  3. Michael


    I don't believe it's going to be 3.3 mate might be 3.4.
  4. That's a good list, you have to remember as I stated they use a database and the guys aren't from our area so they don't know what is what and rely on the data they bought.
  5. Can you please download Jing (http://www.techsmith.com/jing.html) and show us what you go threw to get the blank order form page.
  6. Yes sorry, the license is licensed to all these: - Location (/public_html/billing/) - IP Address: ( - hostname: (account.blesta.com)
  7. Michael

    Options (Addons)

    You're best bet is to do a Dropdown menu No Dedicated IP | Value = 0 | 1 month = 0.00 1 Dedicated IP | Value = 1 | 1 month = 2.50
  8. You're MySQL was killed half way threw the import you will need to contact your host.
  9. Virtualizor should be done by now I'll have a word with them for you. The Interact payments not sure, you can use stripe for card payments. As for Internetsecure I'm not sure you could ask them for a module or you can pay Eric (ehansen[a--t]anzensolutions.com) if you wish to get it faster, or you can open a feature request. .
  10. A month ago as my last post was July something
  11. Michael

    Options (Addons)

    Sorry but on this picture: It clearly states one time: 0.00 monthly 2.50.
  12. Michael

    Options (Addons)

    The one time price won't show as you only do monthly tiers.
  13. In app/client/views/ you should see a boostrap folder, put it there in a lte folder. Settings > Look and Feel > Template > Dropdown menu pick lte.
  14. I believe there was a discussion about this and it was denied as it's best sometimes to keep it the same, but that wouldn't happen, and then to auto assign it would be daft.
  15. Ah as Blesta didn't send the email in the first place it's going to be a manual job I believe. You can use this template and just replace their password send this: Hi [First Name]! Thank you for registering with us. Your new account has been set up and you may login to our client area with the details below. Please login and change your password at your earliest convenience. Login at.. http://yourblestainstall.com/login/ with.. Username: [Username normally email address] Password: [New Password here] If you placed an order for services, you'll receive a separate email once they are activated, please note our crons run every five minutes. Thank you for choosing [Company Name]! That's the main template for Blesta if their account was set up. You can send the email by Client Account > Account Actions > Email Client
  16. You can re-send it on the admin side: Client Account > Account Actions > View Mail log > Resend.
  17. It's because Blesta uses a ISO list of counties for each county around the world. But my mate / employee has always put Leeds as his country even though it would technically correctly be West Yorkshire. So it could be a modern thing. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_counties_of_the_United_Kingdom
  18. You can make a plan for $0 and check the Cancel at end of term button.
  19. Your portal folder url is conflicting I believe with the portal plugin routes.
  20. Nah, I'm not "yet" but you never know with that community with him.
  21. He can't be removed his a Administrator not a mod and he's employed by WHT so I take it he must be good else he would have been fired.
  22. He'll keep denying it though, and just to let you know he can see these forums so he knows we are talking about him... lol
  23. He really is a t**t. why delete it? to hide his stupidness or to try and stop people from leaving shi*y WHM**?
  24. Oh it doesn't do what I thought it did. Showing terms In Order
  25. You can't however you can just select Billing and you'll get all the billing plugin strings.
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