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Everything posted by Michael

  1. There's GitLab if that helps, there is going to be a Blesta Project Management plugin in the future.
  2. They make a PayPal subscription (If you enable it) by clicking subscribe, left PayPal button. Or they can just pay when the invoice arrives. Only form of payment by enabling just PayPal on the order form.
  3. They can't make it a Payment Account if that's what your talking about. They can pay using Make a Payment or if they have a subscription set-up.
  4. Ensure you have both these correctly set up PayPal GateWay: Order form:
  5. Yeah this is the first place to go, however this is a personal issue which we can't fix and your ticket will be high priority when they open .
  6. Nope because you've got /billing/ billing is my install folder so remove that and it should be good to go.
  7. Have you got your license from Blesta direct? If you have open a ticket with them and wait for them to check over your installation as it is weird.
  8. Log into PayPal then navigate to this page: Instant payment notifications ( paypal.com/cgi-bin/customerprofileweb?cmd=_profile-ipn-notify ) My settings are: Notification URL: https://licensecart.com/billing/callback/gw/paypal_payments_standard/ Message delivery: Enabled
  9. Please re-upload the files for Blesta, some haven't been uploaded or you haven't ran /upgrade/ If you use InterWorx I recommend FTP to upload I have the same issue before.
  10. You might want to set up the IPN / API settings in PayPal. IPN Url: yourdomain.com/callback/gw/paypal_payments_standard/ Blesta doesn't need it set-up but some times PayPal kicks a fuss.
  11. They can but again you might end up with less than 30 days when Blesta calls home, have a look at: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3006-how-install-blesta-free-trial-version/?p=21847 PS: Blesta isn't open on a Weekend but the guys sometimes pop on the forum so you might get a key, but it's not a Blesta issue but using "localhost" and expecting it to work straight away.
  12. Here you go: http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/article/how-do-i-modify-my-hosts-file I can't help much more than that as I'm a Linux person.
  13. Hello Tareq, Please edit your windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts file you can copy it to your desktop and replace it after you've edited it and make a hostname to your IP address.
  14. Well I used to untick the use module and save and it worked for me but it seems you tried that so I'm a bit confused.
  15. Sorry about that mate I've been corrected on that, you can list as many TLDs as long as they are the same price and module: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3107-one-domain-package-per-extension-or-per-price/#entry22374
  16. Have you set a default order form? Packages > Order form > Settings
  17. Maybe with a dash so for two languages not more
  18. That's a confusing request mate. Basic package = English बुनियादी पैकेज or Buniyādī paikēja = Hindi Now if someone opened a ticket and talking about "बुनियादी पैकेज" I would be confused to high heavens I think many people would be too. if it's universal everyone know's what package you are talking about and can help people faster.
  19. Do you mean enable the widget for the first staff member like the System overview etc? If so +1.
  20. Sorry I've been made corrected haha.
  21. Try it if you don't believe me.
  22. It is, you try registering a domain via the module you'll get a error or maybe 3 domains registered not tried it but I take it that will happen. To do what you're planing to this: Order form: Enom / Etc. Then do .com - Enom (Package name) tick box the .com The .com will be displayed on the domain order form.
  23. Per TLD! Just like you do per package for cPanel / InterWorx / DirectAdmin / etc. Remember the registrar won't know which domain to pick if you have multiple. The boxes is to ensure you pick the right one . I know it's confusing so please don't take my reply in a bad way .
  24. They've should have completed it I asked on twitter if they have but no reply, they said end of July.
  25. Interesting :s
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