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Everything posted by Michael

  1. You can do it by doing: UPDATE `invoices` SET `status` = 'void' WHERE `clients`.`client_id` = '1'; 1 = Client ID. To get Client ID go to their profile at the top you will see: /clients/view/742/ 742 is the client ID.
  2. Ah have you only disabled the deliver invoices on: /settings/company/automation/ (Deliver Invoices)
  3. Michael

    500 Error

    I stick by my words, your host isn't good, as you don't have a error_log and a 500 error is as Najahost said is a server error...
  4. Nope, you can run the cron manually (/settings/system/automation/). Why would you have the cron off?
  5. Are you installing a trial? If you are please Inbox Paul on the forums or email sales [at] domain.com
  6. Michael

    500 Error

    error_log is in the root of your directory... Module logs -->> Tools > Log
  7. If you have a cron set up 5 minutes either **:x5 or **.x0
  8. Create a test account and create a invoice and tick email box.
  9. Michael

    500 Error

    It will show Blesta errors when that is enabled.
  10. Not yet mate they've got a lot to do still on the documentation http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Email+Template+Tags
  11. That's a feature request for more tags, but I believe you can do what you like using the current tags {invoices.______} the guys will be able to tell you. If you would like to know now, you can use {% debug %} and email yourself that template and you will get all the tags you can use.
  12. Nope, I'm a piping fan myself as it goes threw instantly, instead of waiting for the cron.
  13. x3 I take it is cPanel. Go to cpanel, easyapache enable mbhash, mbstring, mailparse (if it's there). Then go to the pecl modules install mailparse and job done. However I've not used cPanel for a year and forgot most of it.
  14. Are you looking for how to install PHP Mailparse? cPanel: MailParse via Module Installers section on whm Non cPanel: yum install php-mbstring php-pecl-mailparse php-mcrypt -y
  15. Michael

    500 Error

    Here a video of the issue, I still think it's a server issue where it's timing out: http://screencast.com/t/8t0X5oAnY7D
  16. Michael

    500 Error

    I get a 500 error on his site using Chrome mate.
  17. What happens when you try the CLI? php /home/15/60/2016015/identivy-eu/web/index.php install Looks like something to do with the remote mysql set-up like it's trying to use the buffering so I think it's something like this: http://stackoverflow.com/a/18985727 to fix it but I'm not a expert in this :s sorry.
  18. Ah sorry that was the pdo client version. is there anything in your error_log?
  19. Ah your using PHP5.5 have you applied the hotfix?
  20. Looks like you don't have PDO / PDO MySQL. Do you own the server or use hosting? If you own the server use non cPanel: yum install pdo pdo_mysql -y If you own the server use cPanel: Re-compile EasyApache to have PDO, PDO MySQL.
  21. Sends it when you set the overdue invoices settings at: /settings/company/billing/invoices/
  22. You'd get two emails one for each. One title: New invoice... Other will be a overdue invoice.
  23. Yes and Yes. Or on when making a payment click subscription and it will automatically pay invoices on Blesta as long as PayPal connects (should be automatic) but if not then you can use the IPN / API settings.
  24. Nice mate, probably would be nicer if it was like blesta slim menu box on the left content on the right.
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