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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Michael

    Release 3.3.0-B1

    I love it as usual. And mine is in production
  2. Michael

    Release 3.3.0-B1

    Go to: http://dev.blesta.com/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10000&version=10100
  3. Just wondering can you try: http://areyouahuman.com/demo-playthru/ see if that loads. If that doesn't work ===> AreYouAHuman issue. If it works ==> Might be a Blesta issue.
  4. That would be the only place but are you using the same email for everything?
  5. Not sure it's not recommended to touch the database, but it won't take long manually, if it's a clean installation being set-up you could re-install using the new hostname.
  6. You don't need it enabled but sometimes PayPal plays up, just because PayPal is PayPal... haha. http://yourdomain.com/callback/gw/paypal_payments_standard/ or if you installed Blesta in a folder http://yourdomain.com/foldername/callback/gw/paypal_payments_standard/
  7. Naja said that's coming in the future as they need to work on the integrations with Shared login.
  8. They don't update. You have to do it one by one I had fun doing it for a customer once .
  9. You've found the issue, that's what I've been informed about... They just can't get passed it. However it works for me on Chrome / Safari 5.1.7. Thank you
  10. I have two customers today report a issue with the captcha, I'm not sure what the first client used but the other client (recent) was using Mac OS and safari 7.0.6. I use Windows and Chrome and that worked fine. I installed Safari on my laptop and as we're Windows we got 5.1.7 and it works there so I think it might be related to the new version. Can any one confirm this please?
  11. I don't for their starter slab it's $300 + VAT 23% they can get lost lol haha. I use TheSSLStore myself however the SSLGuru has a lot of SSL choices just their starter price to get into their program is too high for most people.
  12. SSLGuru have just released their module for their resellers to sell their products. They have a wide range of SSLs you can sell to the public:- - Digicert - Superfast - RapidSSL - Comodo - Thawte - Swiss Sign - DomenySSL - GeoTrust - Network Solutions Instructions to Install: 1. Download SSLGURU plugin For Blesta 2. Upload plugin archive to your server into Blesta root directory. 3. Extract plugin archive. You do not have to copy each file individually because all the files will automatically appear in the right localizations. 4. In order to proceed, go to Settings → Company → Modules → Available and press Install button next to SSLGURU module. 5. To add a reseller, go to Manage → Add Reseller, fill in reseller name and API access details and press Add Reseller. 6. Now, go to Packages → Create Package in order to add a new package. 7. Fill in package name and select SSLGURU from Module dropdown menu. Select SSLGURU reseller and product at the Module Options section. Enter term and fill in welcome email content. Afterwards, assign package to an existing or new group. Confirm creation of this package through pressing Create Package. Congratulations, you have just successfully installed SSLGuru Plugin For Blesta! On the screen below you can see your module package creation page. You can download the plugin by logging into your control panel and clicking on Partner and then on Blesta Plugin. All rights reserved to SSLGuru...
  13. Non bug -> Updated in 3.2 to use File Name.extension instead of just File Name so I was confused
  14. Yeah it does now I thought it used the name before, otherwise why do we need to enter it I was thinking it doesn't show up in the frontend or backend anymore.
  15. I'm not sure if this is a bug so going to enquire here. I'm sure back in the past the download manager showed the name set and not the filename. Eg: https://account.blesta.com/client/plugin/download_manager/client_main/index/3/ Sure it used to show Blesta 3.2.0 -> 3.2.2 not blesta-3.2.0-3.2.2.zip It's the same in 3.3.0-b1
  16. That's fine I go by: https://account.blesta.com/client/plugin/download_manager/client_main/index/3/
  17. If you have 3.2 you want to upgrade to the newest you can just install the latest patch in that tier 3.2.2 patch will install both 3.2.1 & 3.2.2 features if you jump. You want the patch called Blesta 3.2.0 -> 3.2.2
  18. Michael


    I don't have that, and that's done by "LibCurl" not Blesta. but that is the Session ID by the looks of it.
  19. That's down to your server, do you have a mail queue you can see if something's stuck.
  20. I suppose you could do that, register a client account with a password, then copy the password hash to the staff table one, but if you have nothing important on the current install I recommend a full re-install. Start fresh.
  21. Because Passwords on Blesta are encrypted with bcrypt so you can't just do a WHM** and write the password and select MD5.
  22. You do have PHP Mail enabled on the server hasn't you? And what's Blesta set to send emails if you remember what you used?
  23. Probably part of the Additional contacts login / permissions where you can set what people can do / access.
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