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Everything posted by Michael

  1. ensure you move the files from the blesta folder.
  2. Have a look at: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Multicraft#Multicraft-SampleConfigurableOptions
  3. Blesta guys don't hate any vendor, the vendors API might update or change but that doesn't mean Blesta doesn't love them = is what I meant
  4. Michael

    Renewing Domains

    I just looked at the logicboxes code and it's there now I've been going by the forum haha I might have misread it though. I don't sell domains
  5. Contact your provider
  6. Michael

    Renewing Domains

    They are just invoiced for the domain under the price you have set, if they don't pay for the invoice it's not renewed. Paul beat me
  7. Michael

    Free Subdomain Option

    Nope sorry, it's got a lot of work for the guys, re-modelling it and editing the domain registrars modules to work with the new structure, then the new opensrs registrar module.
  8. Agreed it would be nice to turn on and off, and as for young, they should really get parents permission else you could end up breaking the law yourself.
  9. I'm not sure if it's the same in the hosting industry but no-one has complained to us (We've used Blesta for over a year) they just don't enter it or if they do they do.
  10. it's coming in 3.4 with a Knowledgebase I think or Mass Mailer (Paul will know more) but I believe that's the aim, if it's included or not depends on the time it takes. Here's a 2014 Thread: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2853-idea-affiliate-system-plugin/
  11. I like https://status.botox.bz/ & https://www.cloudflare.com/system-status with a way we can write a note why the server was down and updates etc.
  12. Michael

    Free Subdomain Option

    I believe it's coming in the new domain plugin they are doing as it's going to be more advanced for domains so you can do Register / Transfer / Renew prices so that could be a option included to use a subdomain. Paul will know more.
  13. That's something to do with cPanel and Exim. Check out: http://forums.cpanel.net/f5/behalf-added-sender-mail-address-72666.html
  14. Maybe Billing Brawl 2 + 3 lol I love the "WHM** is bad" as there's a lot of fanboys saying Blesta is crap etc... this just proves them wrong
  15. Customers can see the code on the invoices.
  16. That's very cheap haha.
  17. As long as you have the support and update, you can download 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 as long as it's in the year. If you buy from Blesta the support is helpful, otherwise you'll just be paying for the update rights. As the provider should provide the support for you. But there's free support here on the forums from the developers, and us the community who are here to help at all times.
  18. Download the Documents plugin (It should be in the latest Blesta downloads) If you don't have it in 3.2.2 You can get it from here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1930-client-documents-plugin/
  19. 1. Blesta is secure, don't just take my word for it: - http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showpost.php?p=8898652&postcount=14 - http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showpost.php?p=8885045&postcount=183 2. Blesta is simpler: Add a package WHMCS: Settings > Products > add Blesta: Packages > Add package Change Admin theme (Customer theme) WHMCS: Settings > General > General > Templates Blesta: Settings > Company > Look and Feel View support tickets WHMCS: Support > Support Tickets > All active tickets Blesta: Support ------- Furthermore, I want to know about updates like in WHMCS whenever new version comes out we do not have to pay other then the yearly support and updates fees and as a alternative we can download the latest version from softaculous if we do not have an active whmcs support plan. Do is it possible with blesta to install updates without having active support plan? You need to have a active Support & Updates plan on Owned licenses every year for $32 (Cheaper than WHM**), unless you buy the Blesta Lifetime license. As Blesta is secure you don't really need to update, anyway unless you really want to. Patches (3.2.x+ are free I believe) so you can have 3.2.1-->3.2.99 (If that happens very unlikely).
  20. that would be funny mate.
  21. Other way round
  22. Yep they are doing it shortly that when you allow a restricted package it shows up on the order form.
  23. Softaculous have finally released a module for their software Virtualizor, you can find out more about it here: http://www.virtualizor.com/wiki/Blesta_Module
  24. Eric is cheap but depends on cheap. $40 per hour.
  25. It's if your a Company. Aka Limited company and you pay Tax (charge tax).
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