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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Haha which are set for 3.4 +1 to Blesta.
  2. Thanks guys myself and Paul was thinking about the old post here back in the beta, and thought a new one would help, two people voted other but didn't state here disappointed.
  3. To help the Blesta developers know what is stopping you and help them put priority ideas at the top. I've been threw the feature request forum below to find the requests you can all vote for, I have missed some sorry but select other and post here. You can tick as many as you need, current customers can vote on what they would like to see. All votes are private so no-one will know what you voted so people don't know you voted this and that etc. Thank you.
  4. if the invoice isn't paid it will get suspended anyway...
  5. The icons alignment wouldn't change the structure.
  6. You could try Blesta 2.5 and wait for it?
  7. It's the lines shorten them on each one.
  8. Go to Settings > System > Staff > Staff groups > Tick the boxes for notices.
  9. No trouble on my end :s
  10. Stripe is secure, safe and amazing.
  11. A nice feature request, it stops the same username not sure about email address.
  12. Private mate.
  13. To add to Tyson you can enable the Creation Error notices in My info > notices.
  14. Michael

    Release 3.3.0-B2

    Hostbill importer will take a while. Domain Importer huh? and WHM** importer update is coming out shortly.
  15. There's not sadly, you need to add them without using the module... un-tick use module when adding them.
  16. Michael

    Release 3.3.0-B2

    Domain Manager isn't coming in 3.3
  17. Mines a S3 I'll give it a try later
  18. It's great thanks but the Blesta logo doesn't show up on my homepage:
  19. Michael

    Release 3.3.0-B2

    Love it looks awesome.
  20. http://forums.arcticdesk.com/threads/blesta-integration.263/
  21. We've all been doing it since third party stuff was first out . It's easier to tell it's for Blesta than having random logos, unless it is of course for a third party like TheSSLStore is for that, LogicBoxes is for that, and these are extras for Blesta.
  22. It's here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3319-what-crazy-thing-im-doing/#entry24286 But if that doesn't work here you go again
  23. Nah they was doing a Module to connect Blesta to use their support system, like they did for WHM**...
  24. 3 votes accounted for but there's 5 lol
  25. ArticDesk was supposed to be doing one, then they never. I asked them and they said do it yourself. So I've never looked at that software again, and it's owned by a distributor which sells Blesta.
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